Entrepreneurial Finance, Crowdfunding, and Language: From Social to Financial Support

  • 2h 26m
  • Francesca Capo, Francesca Di Pietro
  • Taylor and Francis
  • 2024

Considering language a relevant strategic instrument that entrepreneurs and managers can use to seek external resources, this book investigates and discusses whether and under which conditions language strategies can facilitate entrepreneurs’ social support and legitimation as well as access to external resources.

This book systematically integrates language into the entrepreneurial finance literature and develops a new and more comprehensive framework that relates crowdfunding to language strategies. Therefore, readers will comprehend how language choices, frames and narratives influence companies’ ability to secure social and financial support, and therefore sustain the development of their venture.

Overall, this book provides insights into how entrepreneurs can use language as a strategic tool for accessing resources and support from external stakeholders, thereby considering, alongside traditional economic approaches, institutional processes of meaning-making.

About the Author

Francesca Capo is Assistant Professor in Strategy at the University Milano-Bicocca in Milan. Her main research interests are legitimacy dynamics and institutional processes, hybrid organizations and prosocial ventures. Her research has appeared in major scientific journals and books.

Francesca Di Pietro is Senior Assistant Professor in Business Strategy at the University Milano-Bicocca in Milan. Her main research interests are in the areas of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial finance and innovation. Her research has appeared in major scientific journals and books.

In this Book

  • Acronyms
  • Authorship Attribution
  • Introduction to the Book
  • The Role of Language in Organisations
  • Language in Entrepreneurship
  • Language’s Future-Oriented Framing and the Financing of New Ventures
  • Legitimacy and Stigma in Organisations and Entrepreneurship: A Literature Review
  • Language Dynamics and Legitimacy in Crowdfunding
  • Narcissistic Language and Success in Green-Oriented Entrepreneurial Ventures
  • Reflections for Future Research and Practical Implications