Entity Information Life Cycle for Big Data: Master Data Management and Information Integration

  • 4h 56m
  • John R. Talburt, Yinle Zhou
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2015

Entity Information Life Cycle for Big Data walks you through the ins and outs of managing entity information so you can successfully achieve master data management (MDM) in the era of big data. This book explains big data’s impact on MDM and the critical role of entity information management system (EIMS) in successful MDM. Expert authors Dr. John R. Talburt and Dr. Yinle Zhou provide a thorough background in the principles of managing the entity information life cycle and provide practical tips and techniques for implementing an EIMS, strategies for exploiting distributed processing to handle big data for EIMS, and examples from real applications. Additional material on the theory of EIIM and methods for assessing and evaluating EIMS performance also make this book appropriate for use as a textbook in courses on entity and identity management, data management, customer relationship management (CRM), and related topics.

  • Explains the business value and impact of entity information management system (EIMS) and directly addresses the problem of EIMS design and operation, a critical issue organizations face when implementing MDM systems
  • Offers practical guidance to help you design and build an EIM system that will successfully handle big data
  • Details how to measure and evaluate entity integrity in MDM systems and explains the principles and processes that comprise EIM
  • Provides an understanding of features and functions an EIM system should have that will assist in evaluating commercial EIM systems
  • Includes chapter review questions, exercises, tips, and free downloads of demonstrations that use the OYSTER open source EIM system
  • Executable code (Java .jar files), control scripts, and synthetic input data illustrate various aspects of CSRUD life cycle such as identity capture, identity update, and assertions

About the Author

Dr. John R. Talburt is Professor of Information Science at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR) where he is the Coordinator for the Information Quality Graduate Program and the Executive Director of the UALR Center for Advanced Research in Entity Resolution and Information Quality (ERIQ). He is also the Chief Scientist for Black Oak Partners, LLC, an information quality solutions company. Prior to his appointment at UALR he was the leader for research and development and product innovation at Acxiom Corporation, a global leader in information management and customer data integration. Professor Talburt holds several patents related to customer data integration and the author of numerous articles on information quality and entity resolution, and is the author of Entity Resolution and Information Quality (Morgan Kaufmann, 2011). He also holds the IAIDQ Information Quality Certified Professional (IQCP) credential.

Dr. Yinle Zhou is an IBM software architect and data scientist in the InfoSphere MDM development group in Austin, Texas, and also serves as an Affiliate Member of the Graduate Faculty at University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR). Dr. Zhou holds a PhD in Integrated Computing with Emphasis in Information Quality (IQ) from UALR where her doctoral research focused on modeling the management of entity identity information in entity resolution systems. She also holds a Master of Science in Information Quality from UALR, a Bachelor of Business Administration in Electronic Commerce from Nanjing University in China, and the Information Quality Certified Professional (IQCP) credential issued by the International Association for Information and Data Quality (IAIDQ). Her research and publications are in areas of information quality, identity management, entity and identity resolution, and social computing

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • The Value Proposition for MDM and Big Data
  • Entity Identity Information and the CSRUD Life Cycle Model
  • A Deep Dive into the Capture Phase
  • Store and Share – Entity Identity Structures
  • Update and Dispose Phases – Ongoing Data Stewardship
  • Resolve and Retrieve Phase – Identity Resolution
  • Theoretical Foundations
  • The Nuts and Bolts of Entity Resolution
  • Blocking
  • Csrud for Big Data
  • ISO Data Quality Standards for Master Data
  • References


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