English Grammar for Dummies, 3rd Edition

  • 6h 6m
  • Geraldine Woods
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2017

Get the last word on English grammar

Grasping the intricacies of the English language doesn't need to be tricky, and this down-to-earth guide breaks everything down in ways that make sense—Revealing rules, tips, and tricks to eliminate confusion and gain clarity, English Grammar For Dummies gives you everything you need to communicate with confidence!

Good grammar lays the foundation for speaking and writing clearly. This easy-to-follow book will help you become a more articulate, effective communicator. Covering everything from the building blocks of a sentence to those pesky rules of punctuation, it offers the practical guidance you need to communicate in a way that would make any English teacher proud.

  • Improve your speaking skills
  • Clearly compose written communications
  • Get the latest techniques for continuous improvement
  • Write a winning college entrance exam or compelling business presentation

Stop worrying about the grammar police and become more confident with your words!

About the Author

Geraldine Woods has more than 35 years of teaching experience. She is the author of more than 50 books, including English Grammar Workbook For Dummies and Research Papers For Dummies.

In this Book

  • Using the Right Words at the Right Time
  • Verbs: The Heart of the Sentence
  • Who's Doing What? How to Find the Subject
  • When All is Said and Done: Complete Sentences
  • Handling Complements
  • Relax! Understanding Verb Tense
  • Nodding Your Head: All About Agreement
  • Pronouns and their Cases
  • Small Words, Big Trouble: Prepositions
  • Two Real Really Good Parts of Speech: Adjectives and Adverbs
  • Punctuation Law that should be Repealed: Apostrophes
  • Quotations: More Rules than the Internal Revenue Service
  • The Pause That Refreshes: Commas
  • Useful Little Marks: Dashes, Hyphens, and Colons
  • Capital Letters
  • Rules of Thumb: Adapting Grammar to Electronic Media
  • Fine-Tuning Verbs
  • No Santas but Plenty of Clauses
  • Spicing Up Sentence Patterns
  • Staying on Track: Parallelism
  • Meaning What You Say: Clarity
  • Grammar Devils
  • Ten Ways Two to Improve Your Proofreading
  • Relax Already! Grammar Rules You can Stop Worrying About