ElasticSearch Quick Start: An Introduction to ElasticSearch in Tutorial Form

  • 1h 5m
  • Joel Abrahamsson
  • J. Ross Tech
  • 2015

The goal of this book is to get you as a developer or user of ElasticSearch started quickly. As such you won't find much theory or anything about configuring ElasticSearch for production use in this book. What you will find though is tutorials focusing on the basics as well as common use cases.'

After reading this book my goal is that you should know:

  • How to install ElasticSearch and how to communicate with it
  • How to index and remove documets
  • How to search for documents and aggregate data from them
  • How to create mappings, including dynamic mappings

In this Book

  • Getting Started
  • Basic CRUD
  • Searching
  • Mapping
  • Custom Analyzers
  • Aggregations
  • Advanced CRUD
  • The Nested Type Mapping