Effective Negotiating: Achieving the Best Possible Outcomes

  • 15m
  • LID Editorial
  • LID Publishing
  • 2015

Despite its importance, the art of negotiating provokes a range of conflicting views. In recent years, negotiations have become more complex and exacting, as resources become increasingly scarce and economic conditions have become tougher. As a consequence, compromise is an increasingly relevant strategy for successful negotiations. Contemporary approaches emphasize the need for consensus, a 'win-win' agreement to the mutual benefit of all parties. Only by reaching an agreement accepted by everyone will the outcome be seen as fair.

Negotiations are, by nature, adversarial, even if this can eventually be overcome through pragmatism. Compromise is not the opposite of conflict: it is a useful tactic to resolve areas of disagreement. The pressure and significance of many negotiations mean that the normal rules of communication are often short-circuited. The best approach is to focus on maximizing influence, finding common ground and agreeing a sustainable outcome.

Effective negotiators are able to influence others and to get the best from people. When disagreements arise, they use influence to avoid an intractable dispute: communicating, collaborating and inspiring trust.

In this Book

  • Effective Negotiating—Achieving the best possible outcomes
  • Overview
  • Benefits of Successful Negotiations


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