Effective Communications for Project Management

  • 3h 29m
  • Ralph L. Kliem
  • CRC Press
  • 2008

Effective communication on projects is a challenging, ongoing process for project managers and stakeholders at all levels within an organization. Project managers experience the greatest challenge due to the nature of their position. They set up and regulate communications that support a project overall.

Effective Communications for Project Management examines elements of effective communications and describes the role that a Project Management Information System (PMIS) has in helping project managers become better communicators. Based on the author’s practical experience and insight as a project and program manager, the book describes the role of personality and its effect on the communications process. It also details the seven elements of effective communications:

  • Applying active and effective listening
  • Preparing the communications and establishing an issues management process
  • Drafting and publishing documentation
  • Conducting meetings
  • Giving effective presentations
  • Developing and deploying a project website
  • Building a project war room

Containing examples and checklists that are adaptable to almost any project environment, this book is an invaluable resource that not only demonstrates how to attain effective communications, but also how communications can effect a project’s bottom line.

About the Author

Ralph L. Kliem has over twenty-five years of experience with Fortune 500 firms in the financial and aerospace industries. His wide, varied experience in project and program management includes managing compliance and information technology projects and programs.

In addition to being the author of over 15 books that have been translated in several languages, he has published more than 200 articles in leading business and information systems publications.

Mr. Kliem is an adjunct faculty member of City University in Seattle and a former one with Seattle Pacific University; an instructor with Bellevue Community College; and a frequent presenter to the Puget Sound chapter of the Project Management Institute and other professional organizations. He also teaches PMP certification and other project management seminars and workshops in the United States and Canada.

In this Book

  • The Elements of Project Communications Management
  • Establishing the Project Management Information System
  • Personality Style and Communications
  • Applying Active and Effective Listening
  • Preparing the Communications Management Plan and Establishing an Issues Management Process
  • Drafting and Publishing Documentation
  • Conducting Meetings
  • Giving Effective Presentations
  • Developing and Deploying a Web Site
  • Building War Rooms
  • The Key to Effective Leadership
  • References


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