Dynamic Business Strategy: Competing in a Fast-changing, Uncertain Context
- 1h 52m
- François Candelon, Martin Reeves
- De Gruyter Inc
- 2022

The playing field for business has changed significantly in recent decades. The pace of change is accelerating, driven by increased technological progress and shrinking business lifespans. Economic and political uncertainty has risen dramatically and is likely to remain at elevated levels. Industry boundaries are blurring, increasing the potential paths to competitive disruption.
Strategy is not dead—in fact, as the gap between winners and losers within industries continues to grow, it is more important than ever. However, the playbook needs to be reinvented for today’s business environment. Classical sources of competitive advantage, such as scale and differentiation, have not gone away, but they have been complemented by new dimensions of competition.
This book discusses the new role of strategy in a dynamic, unpredictable context. Part 1 of this book revisits classical strategy frameworks and what changes should be made to apply them to the modern era. Part 2 discusses new strategic capabilities companies need today, such as adapting to uncertain environments and shaping new or disrupted ones. Part 3 examines the expanding boundaries of strategy, including new competitive imperatives as well as the wider range of timescales on which businesses must now operate.
Drawing on the work of the BCG Henderson Institute and its fellows and ambassadors over several years, Dynamic Strategy will help business professionals as well as academics and students with an interest in strategy understand the new competitive challenges that businesses face and develop a playbook to address them.
Events around the book
Link to a De Gruyter Online Event in which Martin Reeves, Chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute, talks about successful business strategies in turbulent times: https://youtu.be/84YE4DBdQpo
About the Author
Martin Reeves is chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute, BCG’s think tank dedicated to exploring and developing valuable new insights from business, technology, economics, and science by embracing the powerful technology of ideas. Martin is also a member of the BCG Henderson Institute's Innovation Sounding Board, which is dedicated to supporting, inspiring, and guiding upstream innovation at BCG. Martin is a regular contributor to HBR, MIT SMR, Fortune and other management journals on business strategy and management.
François Candelon is the Managing Director & Senior Partner at The Boston Consulting Group and Global Director of the BCG Henderson Institute.
In this Book
Revisiting the Rule of Three and Four
Revisiting the Experience Curve
Revisiting Time-Based Competition
Revisiting the Growth-Share Matrix
Adaptive Advantage
The Elusive Quest for Adaptability
Shaping to Win
Your Strategy Process Needs a Strategy
Your Capabilities Need a Strategy: Choosing and Developing the Right Ones for Each Environment
The New Logic of Competition
The Challenge of Slow
Strategy on Multiple Timescales
Fractal Strategy: Responding to COVID-19 Effectively on Multiple Timescales