Disruptive Digitalisation and Platforms: Risks and Opportunities of the Great Transformation of Politics, Socio-economic Models, Work, and Education
- 6h 15m
- Corinne Vercher-Chaptal, Edoardo Mollona, Julienne Brabet, Mathias Béjean
- Taylor and Francis
- 2024

This book provides an overview of the opportunities and risks of digitalisation and the platforms that embody it and constitute society's new infrastructure. From a management point of view – defined here as the steering of organised and finalised collective action – understanding this major socio-technical disruption is paramount. The book helps to comprehend its main players, such as the American GAFAM, their power and its sources, their architecture, and their impact on different industries and professions, labour markets, companies, and education.
Responding to the dominance of tech giants, numerous initiatives are striving to regulate their influence, safeguard democratic sovereignty, promote fair competition in the digital sphere, and employ frugal digitalisation methods to counteract detrimental aspects of these “oligopolistic” platforms. In essence, shouldn't the overarching aim of digitalisation be to foster community development, strengthen individual and collective capabilities, and preserve the environment, while producing goods and services to meet shared societal interests? Throughout the four sections of this book and its 16 chapters, actors in the digital process and/or academics provide analyses and illustrations of the great digital transformation, examining the ways in which socio-technical advances can be created or used for the benefit of all, while avoiding major risks.
About the Author
Mathias Béjean is full professor in strategy and innovation management at Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, affiliated with the IRG research lab. Additionally, he holds a professorship at École polytechnique, where he teaches a course on public innovation and collaborates with the i3-CRG research lab.
Julienne Brabet is professor emeritus of management at the University of Paris Est Créteil where she is member of the IRG (Institut de Recherche en Gestion) and is fellow of EURAM (European Academy of Management).
Edoardo Mollona graduated cum laude in Strategic Management at Bocconi University in Milan (Italy) and received a PhD degree in Strategic Management/Decision Sciences at the London Business School. He is currently full professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) at the University of Bologna, where he teaches Corporate Strategy and Business Ethics.
Corinne Vercher-Chaptal is full professor in Management Sciences at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord (USPN) and a member of the CEPN research laboratory (UMR CNRS 7234).
In this Book
General introduction—Disruptive Digitalisation and Platforms
Post-Privatisation and Corporate Political Responsibility: Negotiation of Rights and Duties in the Platform Economy
The Birth of a Power: Amazon Between Infrastructurisation, Data Control and Resistance
Oligopolistic Platforms at the Heart of Digital Disruption
Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: A Virtue Ethics Approach
Algorithmic Management: Invisible Boss or Ghost Work?
Towards Substantive Platforms
Civic Crowdfunding as a Digital Value Co-creation Model for Sustainable Innovation
Public Policies for Alternative Platforms: The Case of Barcelona
Synergising Data, AI, and Greentech Innovation for Climate Emergency: The French Ecolab Initiative
Healthcare Practices in the Digital Revolution Era: Exploring a Collaborative Territorial Initiative in France
Micromobility and Artificial Intelligence Integration in European Urban Landscapes
Industry 4.0 and platforms: The New Convergence
E-commerce and its Dark Side: Towards a New Deal Between Humans, Nature, and Technology
Post-Pandemic Perseverance in Higher Education’s Dooming Digital Days: The Example of Business and Management Education
Can Online Higher Education Institutions Close the Educational Gap in Italy?: The Case of Pegaso Digital University from a Managerial Perspective
Towards the Amazon University or the Open University?