Discovering SQL: A Hands-On Guide for Beginners

  • 8h 11m
  • Alex Kriegel
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2011

Teaching the SQL skills that businesses demand when hiring programmers

If you're a SQL beginner, you don't just want to learn SQL basics, you also want to get some practical SQL skills you can use in the job market. This book gives you both. Covering the basics through intermediate topics with clear explanations, hands-on exercises, and helpful solutions, this book is the perfect introduction to SQL. Topics include both the current SQL:2008 standards, the upcoming SQL:2011 standards, and also how to use SQL against current releases of the most popular commercial SQL databases, such as Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL.

  • Introduces SQL concepts, explains SQL statements, and clearly shows how to write efficient and effective SQL code
  • Uses a hands-on style and a sample database that incorporates all SQL concepts taught in the book; this database will be enhanced through the book as key points and lessons are covered
  • Covers topics such as how SQL interacts with the sample database via various interfaces, including vendor-provided utilities, programming languages, SQL clients, and productivity software
  • Includes appendices with primers on database normalization, set theory and bollean algebra, RDBMS software step-by-step setup guides, and database connectivity

Learn how to write effective, efficient SQL code with Discovering SQL: A Hands-On Guide for Beginners.

About the Author

Alex Kriegel is an enterprise systems architect for the Oregon Health Authority, State of Oregon. He has more than 20 years of professional database and software development experience and holds numerous certifications, including MCTS, PMP from Project Management Institute, TOGAF 8 Certified Practitioner from The Open Architecture Group, and Certified Scrum Master from Scrum Alliance.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Drowning in Data, Dying of Thirst for Knowledge
  • Breaking and Entering—Structured Information
  • A Thing You Can Relate to — Designing a Relational Database
  • Overcoming the Limitations of SQL
  • Grouping and Aggregation
  • When One is Not Enough—A Query within a Query
  • You Broke it; You Fix it—Combining Data Sets
  • What Else is There, and Why?
  • Optimizing Performance
  • Multiuser Environment
  • Working with Unstructured and Semistructured Data
  • Not by SQL Alone
  • Installing RDBMSs Software
  • Accessing RDBMSs
  • Accessing RDBMSs with the SQuirreL Universal SQL Client


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