Digital Transformation and Innovation in Tourism Events
- 5h 28m
- Azizul Hassan
- Taylor and Francis
- 2022

The pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation in tourism and there has been a surge in new, innovative digital initiatives to help tourism businesses. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the nature of tourism, events and practices in the digital context.
The book looks at how technology has transformed tourism in destination branding, marketing, content marketing, sustainable tourism development and tourism events. It examines the impact of digital transformation on emotions, experiences, information technology tools and marketing techniques.
The book will be a useful reference to those researching on tourism, culture, hospitality and marketing and as well as destination planners, managers of tourism destination marketing organizations, regulators, standards and certification bodies, local tourism board authorities and policy makers.
About the Author
Azizul Hassan is a member of the Tourism Consultants Network of the UK Tourism Society, and has been working for the tourism industry as a consultant, academic, and researcher for over 20 years. His research interest areas are technology-supported marketing and immersive technology applications in the tourism and hospitality industry, and technology-influenced marketing suggestions for sustainable tourism and hospitality industry in developing countries.
In this Book
Digital Innovation in Tourism Events: Theoretical Underpinnings and Conceptual Discussions
Events at Nature-Based Destinations of Bangladesh: Use of Information and Communication Technology in Marketing
Exploring the Light Show Landscaping at Traditional Festivals and Events in China
Goddess in Digital Space: A Study on Dynamics of Digitalization in Autumn Festival of India
Kaamatan Goes Virtual: Utilizing Social Media in Promoting Tourism Event
Impact of Online and Social Media Platforms in Organizing the Events: A Case Study on Coke Fest and Pakistan Super League
Technology Application in Tourism Events: Reflections on a Case Study of a Local Food Festival in Thailand
An Assessment on Strengthening the Attractiveness of Turkey’s Event and Festival Tourism with Innovative Technology Efforts
Technology Application in Tourism Events: Case of Africa
The Ubiquitous Role of Mobile Technology Application in the Australian Open
Technological Innovations in Event Sport Tourism: Case Study of the 2021 Sabre World Cup in Budapest in Hungary
Technology and Events: The Case of Note di Fuoco Festival in Calabria in South Italy
The Event “7 Wonders of Gastronomy” and the Digitalization of Communication in the Portuguese Context
Reimagining Tourism Events: Spain’s Preparation for the Return of a Healthier Breed of Tourists
Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Technology is Getting the Tourism Industry Back on Its Feet in the USA
Technology in Tourist Events: A Study of Rock in Rio Brazil from the Perspective of Its Stakeholders
The Sacred in Cyberspace: The Taper of Our Lady of Nazareth Religious Event and Technology Application in the (Re)Construction of Territorial and Touristic Identities in Belém do Pará, Brazil
COVID-19 Effects on Tourism Events, Technology Acceleration and Future Research Directions