Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies, and Practices

  • 9h 22m
  • Alessandro Acquisti, Costas Lambrinoudakis, Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati (eds), Stefanos Gritzalis
  • CRC Press
  • 2008

During recent years, a continuously increasing amount of personal data has been made available through different websites around the world. Although the availability of personal information has created several advantages, it can be easily misused and may lead to violations of privacy. With growing interest in this area, Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies, and Practices addresses this timely issue, providing information on state-of-the-art technologies, best practices, and research results, as well as legal, regulatory, and ethical issues. This book features contributions from experts in academia, industry, and government.

About the Editors

Prof. Alessandro Acquisti is an Assistant Professor of Information Technology and Public Policy at the H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University, a Partner at Carnegie Mellon Cylab, and a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). His work investigates the economic and social impacts of IT, and in particular the interaction and interconnection of human and artificial agents in highly networked information economies. His current research focuses primarily on the economics of privacy and information security, but also on the economics of computers and AI, agents economics, computational economics, ecommerce, cryptography, anonymity, and electronic voting. His research in these areas has been disseminated through journals, books, and leading international conferences. Prior to joining CMU Faculty, Alessandro Acquisti researched at the Xerox PARC labs in Palo Alto, California, with Bernardo Huberman and the Internet Ecologies Group; at JP Morgan London, Emerging Markets Research, with Arnab Das; and for two years at RIACS, NASA Ames Research Center, in Mountain View, California, with Maarten Sierhuis and Bill Clancey. Alessandro has received national and international awards, including the 2005 PET Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies and the 2005 IBM Best Academic Privacy Faculty Award. He is a member of the program committees of various international conferences and workshops. Alessandro Acquisti has lived and studied in Rome (Laurea, Economics, University of Rome), Dublin (M.Litt., Economics, Trinity College), London (M.Sc., Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, LSE), and in the San Francisco Bay area, where he worked with John Chuang, Doug Tygar, and Hal Varian and received a Master and a Ph.D. in Information Management and Systems from the University of California at Berkeley.

Prof. Stefanos Gritzalis holds a B.Sc. in Physics, an M.Sc. in Electronic Automation, and a Ph.D. in Informatics all from the University of Athens, Greece. Currently he is an Associate Professor, the Head of the Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean, Greece and the Director of the Laboratory of Information and Communication Systems Security (Info-Sec-Lab). He has been involved in several national- and EU-funded R&D projects in the areas of Information and Communication Systems Security. His published scientific work includes several books on Information and Communication Technologies topics, and more than 140 journal and national and international conference papers. He has served on program and organizing committees of national and international conferences on Informatics and is an editorial advisory board member and reviewer for several scientific journals. He was a Member of the Board (Secretary General, Treasurer) of the Greek Computer Society. He is a member of the ACM and the IEEE. Since 2006 he has been a member of the “IEEE Communications and Information Security Technical Committee” of the IEEE Communications Society.

Costas Lambrinoudakis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Information and Communication Systems of the University of the Aegean and a senior researcher of the Information and Communication Systems Security Laboratory. He holds a B.Sc. (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) degree from the University of Salford (U.K.), an M.Sc. (Control Systems) and a Ph.D. (Computer Science) degree from the University of London (U.K.). His current research interests include: Information Systems Security and Privacy, Smart Cards, and Telemedicine Services. He is an author of several refereed papers in international scientific journals and conference proceedings. He has served on program and organizing committees of national and international conferences on Informatics and is a reviewer for several scientific journals. From 1987 to the present he has collaborated with several organizations and companies. He has participated in many national- and EU-funded R&D Projects. He is listed in Who’s Who in the World and he is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society.

Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati received the Laurea and Ph.D. degrees both in Computer Science from the University of Milan, Italy, in 1996 and 2001, respectively. From November 1999 to December 2002 she has been an Assistant Professor at the University of Brescia, Italy. Since January 2003 she is an Associate Professor at the Information Technology Department, University of Milan, Italy. Her research interests are in the area of information security, databases, and information systems. She has investigated the following issues: protection of information in federated systems, information flow control in object-oriented systems, protection of information from inference attacks, protection of network infrastructure, access control policies composition, and XML security. She has published more than 100 technical papers in international journals and conferences in her areas of research interest. She has been an international fellow in the Computer Science Laboratory at SRI, California (U.S.A.). She has been a visiting researcher at the ISSE Department of George Mason University, Virginia (U.S.A.). She has served on the program committees of various conferences and workshops. She is co-recipient of the ACM-PODS’99 Best Newcomer Paper Award.

In this Book

  • Privacy-Enhancing Technologies for the Internet III—Ten Years Later
  • Communication Privacy
  • Privacy-Preserving Cryptographic Protocols
  • Byzantine Attacks on Anonymity Systems
  • Introducing Traffic Analysis
  • Privacy, Profiling, Targeted Marketing, and Data Mining
  • Enterprise Privacy Policies and Languages
  • Uncircumventable Enforcement of Privacy Policies via Cryptographic Obfuscation
  • Privacy Protection with Uncertainty and Indistinguishability
  • Privacy-Preservation Techniques in Data Mining
  • HCI Designs for Privacy-Enhancing Identity Management
  • Privacy Perceptions Among Members of Online Communities
  • Perceived Control—Scales for Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing
  • RFID—Technological Issues and Privacy Concerns
  • Privacy-Enhanced Location Services Information
  • Beyond Consent—Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp)
  • A Risk Model for Privacy Insurance
  • What Can Behavioral Economics Teach Us about Privacy?
  • Privacy of Outsourced Data
  • Communications Data Retention—A Pandora’s Box for Rights and Liberties?
  • Surveillance of Emergent Associations—Freedom of Association in a Network Society