Dialogue, Skill and Tacit Knowledge

  • 7h 49m
  • Bo Göranzon, Maria Hammarén, Richard Ennals (eds)
  • John Wiley & Sons (UK)
  • 2006

Everyone in an organization, from cleaner to CEO, has expert knowledge. Yet only a fraction of it can be codified and expressed explicitly as facts and rules. A little more is visible implicitly as accepted procedures, but even this is only the beginning. Submerged beneath the explicit and implicit levels is a vast iceberg of tacit knowledge that cannot be reliably accessed by traditional analytical approaches. And yet, without it, organizational learning means little.

Interweaving theory with practical guidance, this book looks at the importance of tacit knowledge and shows how it is now being put in motion through groundbreaking analogical thinking methods. Chief among these is the Dialogue Seminar, developed by the editors, in which learning is seen as arising from encounters with differences.

There can be no consensus on the value of corporate knowledge until what is meant by that knowledge is discussed and defined. Based on two decades of research and a host of practical cases, this book offers a way forward.

In this Book

  • Dialogue, Skill and Tacit Knowledge
  • Introduction
  • The Practice of the Use of Computers: A Paradoxical Encounter between Different Traditions of Knowledge
  • Writing as a Method of Reflection
  • The Dialogue Seminar as a Foundation for Research on Skill
  • The Methodology of the Dialogue Seminar
  • A Dwelling Place for Past and Living Voices, Passions and Characters
  • Theatre and Knowledge
  • Dialogue Seminar as a Tool: Experience from Combitech Systems
  • Maximum Complexity
  • Better Systems Engineering with Dialogue
  • Some Aspects of Military Practices and Officers’ Professional Skills
  • Science and Art
  • Tacit Knowledge and Risks
  • Skill, Storytelling and Language: on Reflection as a Method
  • Reading and Writing as Performing Arts: at Work
  • Knowledge and Reflective Practice
  • Dialogue, Depth, and Life Inside Responsive Orders: From External Observation to Participatory Understanding
  • Rule Following, Intransitive Understanding and Tacit Knowledge: An Investigation of the Wittgensteinian Concept of Practice as Regards Tacit Knowing
  • Henrik Ibsen: Why We Need Him More Than Ever
  • Theatre and Workplace Actors
  • Training in Analogical Thinking: The Dialogue Seminar Method in Basic Education, Further Education and Graduate Studies