Developing and Securing the Cloud

  • 13h 7m
  • Bhavani Thuraisingham
  • CRC Press
  • 2014

Although the use of cloud computing platforms and applications has expanded rapidly, most books on the subject focus on high-level concepts. There has long been a need for a book that provides detailed guidance on how to develop secure clouds.

Filling this void, Developing and Securing the Cloud provides a comprehensive overview of cloud computing technology. Supplying step-by-step instruction on how to develop and secure cloud computing platforms and web services, it includes an easy-to-understand, basic-level overview of cloud computing and its supporting technologies.

Presenting a framework for secure cloud computing development, the book describes supporting technologies for the cloud such as web services and security. It details the various layers of the cloud computing framework, including the virtual machine monitor and hypervisor, cloud data storage, cloud data management, and virtual network monitor. It also provides several examples of cloud products and prototypes, including private, public, and U.S. government clouds.

Reviewing recent developments in cloud computing, the book illustrates the essential concepts, issues, and challenges in developing and securing today’s cloud computing platforms and applications. It also examines prototypes built on experimental cloud computing systems that the author and her team have developed at the University of Texas at Dallas.

This diverse reference is suitable for those in industry, government, and academia. Technologists will develop the understanding required to select the appropriate tools for particular cloud applications. Developers will discover alternative designs for cloud development, and managers will understand if it’s best to build their own clouds or contract them out.

About the Author

Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham is the Louis A. Beecherl, Jr. Distinguished Professor in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) and the executive director of UTD's Cyber Security Research and Education Institute. Her current research is on integrating cyber security, cloud computing, and big data analytics. Prior to joining UTD in October 2004, she worked at the MITRE Corporation for 16 years, which included a three-year stint as a program director at the National Science Foundation (NSF). At MITRE, she led team efforts on developing secure data management systems and data mining tools. She initiated the Data and Applications Security program at NSF and was part of the Cyber Trust theme. Prior to MITRE, she worked for the commercial industry for six years, conducting research in data security, data management, and distributed systems.

Dr. Thuraisingham is the recipient of numerous awards, including the IEEE Computer Society's 1997 Technical Achievement Award, the ACM SIGSAC 2010 Outstanding Contributions Award, the IEEE SMC and Transportation Systems Societies' 2010 joint award on Research Leadership in Intelligence and Security Informatics, the Society for Design and Process Science (SDPS) 2012 Transformative Achievement Gold Medal for interdisciplinary research on integrating computer sciences, with social sciences, and a 2013 IBM Faculty Award. She is a fellow of IEEE, AAAS and the British Computer Society. She has published over 100 journal articles, over 200 conference papers, and 12 books, and has delivered over 100 keynote and invited addresses. She has five patents (two pending) and is the founder of Knowledge and Security Analytics, LLC. Dr. Thuraisingham received her PhD from the University of Wales, Swansea in theory of computation and her earned higher doctorate (Doctor of Engineering) from the University of Bristol, England for her published work in data security.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • From Mainframe to the Cloud
  • Trustworthy Systems
  • Data, Information, and Knowledge Management
  • Conclusion to Part I
  • Service-Oriented Computing and Security
  • Semantic Web Services and Security
  • Specialized Web Services and Security
  • Conclusion to Part II
  • Cloud Computing Concepts
  • Cloud Computing Functions
  • Cloud Data Management
  • Specialized Clouds, Services, and Applications
  • Cloud Service Providers, Products, and Frameworks
  • Conclusion to Part III
  • Experimental Cloud Query Processing System
  • Social Networking on the Cloud
  • Experimental Semantic Web-Based Cloud Computing Systems
  • Conclusion to Part IV
  • Secure Cloud Computing Concepts
  • Secure Cloud Computing Functions
  • Secure Cloud Data Management
  • Secure Cloud Computing Guidelines
  • Security as a Service
  • Secure Cloud Computing Products
  • Conclusion to Part V
  • Secure Cloud Query Processing with Relational Data
  • Secure Cloud Query Processing with Semantic Web Data
  • Secure Cloud-Based Information Integration
  • Conclusion to Part VI
  • Cloud-Based Malware Detection for Evolving Data Streams
  • Cloud-Based Data Mining for Insider Threat Detection
  • Cloud-Centric Assured Information Sharing
  • Design and Implementation of a Semantic Cloud-Based Assured Information Sharing System
  • Conclusion to Part VII
  • Trust Management and the Cloud
  • Privacy and Cloud Services
  • Integrity Management, Data Provenance, and Cloud Services
  • Conclusion to Part VIII
  • An Infrastructure for a Secure Cloud
  • An Education Program for a Secure Cloud
  • A Research Initiative for a Secure Cloud
  • Summary and Directions
  • Conclusion to Part IX


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