Developing a React.js Edge: The JavaScript Library for User Interfaces, Second Edition

  • 1h 45m
  • Frankie Bagnardi, Jeremiah Hall, Richard Feldman, Simon Højberg
  • Bleeding Edge Press
  • 2016

The entire book has been updated for React 0.14, using the latest version of JavaScript, ES6 (or ES2015). With this edition, you get an expanded discussion of data flow, specifically around Flux, as well as discussions of using immutability with React, specifically around Immutable.js, and also the seamlessimmutable library. Throughout the book we reference bits of our example application, a reddit clone. This book also takes you through four main topic areas to help you develop an edge with React: creating and composing components, tooling, working with React, and advanced topics including DOM manipulations, animations, performance tuning, and more. This book will enable you to navigate all of these concepts and help you understand why they are beneficial, and can help you build scalable Single Page Applications (SPAs).

To get the most out of this book, you should be experienced with JavaScript and HTML. It's beneficial if you have experience with writing SPAs (regardless of which framework like Backbone.js, AngularJS, or Ember.js), but it is not required.

In this Book

  • Introduction to React
  • JSX
  • Component Lifecycle
  • Data Flow
  • Event Handling
  • Composing Components
  • High Order Components and Mixins
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Forms
  • Animations
  • Performance Tuning
  • Server Side Rendering
  • Development Tools
  • Testing
  • Architectural Patterns
  • Immutability
  • Other Uses


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