Design Patterns For Dummies
- 3h 33m
- Steve Holzner
- John Wiley & Sons (US)
- 2006
There's a pattern here, and here's how to use it!
Find out how the 23 leading design patterns can save you time and trouble
Ever feel as if you've solved this programming problem before? You — or someone — probably did, and that's why there's a design pattern to help this time around. This book shows you how (and when) to use the famous patterns developed by the "Gang of Four," plus some new ones, all designed to make your programming life easier.
Discover how to:
- Simplify the programming process with design patterns
- Make the most of the Decorator, Factory, and Adapter patterns
- Identify which pattern applies
- Reduce the amount of code needed for a task
- Create your own patterns
About the Author
Steve Holzner is the award-winning author of 100 books on computing. He’s a former contributing editor for PC Magazine, and has been on the faculty of Cornell University and MIT. In addition to his busy writing schedule, he gives programming classes to corporate programmers around the country and runs his own training company,
In this Book
Congratulations, Your Problem Has Already Been Solved
Putting Plans into Action with the Strategy Pattern
Creating and Extending Objects with the Decorator and Factory Patterns
Watch What’s Going On with the Observer and Chain of Responsibility Patterns
From One to Many: The Singleton and Flyweight Patterns
Fitting Round Pegs into Square Holes with the Adapter and Facade Patterns
Mass Producing Objects with the Template Method and Builder Patterns
Handling Collections with the Iterator and Composite Patterns
Getting Control of Your Objects with the State and Proxy Patterns
Coordinating Your Objects with the Command and Mediator Patterns
Ten More Design Patterns
Ten Easy Steps to Create Your Own Patterns