Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition

  • 3h 37m
  • Jiju Antony
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2014

The tools and techniques used in Design of Experiments (DoE) have been proven successful in meeting the challenge of continuous improvement in many manufacturing organisations over the last two decades. However research has shown that application of this powerful technique in many companies is limited due to a lack of statistical knowledge required for its effective implementation.

Although many books have been written on this subject, they are mainly by statisticians, for statisticians and not appropriate for engineers. Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists overcomes the problem of statistics by taking a unique approach using graphical tools. The same outcomes and conclusions are reached as through using statistical methods and readers will find the concepts in this book both familiar and easy to understand.

This new edition includes a chapter on the role of DoE within Six Sigma methodology and also shows through the use of simple case studies its importance in the service industry. It is essential reading for engineers and scientists from all disciplines tackling all kinds of manufacturing, product and process quality problems and will be an ideal resource for students of this topic.

  • Written in non-statistical language, the book is an essential and accessible text for scientists and engineers who want to learn how to use DoE
  • Explains why teaching DoE techniques in the improvement phase of Six Sigma is an important part of problem solving methodology
  • New edition includes a full chapter on DoE for services as well as case studies illustrating its wider application in the service industry

About the Author

Dr Jiju Anthony is Senior Teaching Fellow at the International Manufacturing Unit at Warwick University. He is also a trainer and consultant in DOE and has worked as such for a number of companies including Motorola, Vickers, Procter and Gamble, Nokia, Bosch and a large number of SMEs.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Industrial Experimentation
  • Fundamentals of Design of Experiments
  • Understanding Key Interactions in Processes
  • A Systematic Methodology for Design of Experiments
  • Screening Designs
  • Full Factorial Designs
  • Fractional Factorial Designs
  • Some Useful and Practical Tips for Making Your Industrial Experiments Successful
  • Case Studies
  • Design of Experiments and its Applications in the Service Industry
  • Design of Experiments and its Role within Six Sigma


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