Deploying IPv6 Networks: An Essential, Comprehensive, and Practical Guide to IPv6 Concepts, Service Implementation, and Interoperability in Existing Ipv4 Environments

  • 10h 41m
  • Ciprian P. Popoviciu, Eric Levy-Abegnoli, Patrick Grossetete
  • Cisco Press
  • 2006

An essential, comprehensive, and practical guide to IPv6 concepts, service implementation, and interoperability in existing IPv4 environments

LAfter completing Deploying IPv6 Networks, you will:

  • Understand the current state of IPv6 technologies and services
  • Understand the IPv6 features as they are applied in service deployments
  • Be prepared with guidelines on how to ready your organization for a migration to IPv6
  • Know how to design and implement an IPv6 production-level network using the book’s templates and examples
  • Have the ability to configure and troubleshoot IPv6 networks
  • Know where IPv6 developments are moving in the future

Large IPv6 production deployments worldwide are proof that the transition to the next generation of the IP protocol is no longer merely a prediction—IPv6 is now touching all aspects of IP networking and communications. Therefore, understanding the technology and being able to plan, design, and deploy IPv6 services are necessary skills for networking professionals.

Deploying IPv6 Networks is an essential guide to IPv6 concepts, service implementation, and interoperability in existing IPv4 environments. You’ll learn about IPv6 as a mature technology ready for deployment. Deploying IPv6 Networks goes beyond addressing the basics of IPv6 yet remains accessible to readers unfamiliar with the protocol. With this book in hand, you will learn how to plan, design, deploy, and manage IPv6 services.

Deploying IPv6 Networks opens with an updated “Case for IPv6”: a review of the IPv4 challenges and the IPv6 opportunities. It then covers the IPv6 concepts related to IP services provided in real networks. Relevant features and corresponding configuration examples are presented in a deployment context as they are applied to the various segments of the network. The IPv6 knowledge accumulated in the first part of the book is revisited in Part II, where it is leveraged in concrete and usable examples that cover most common network environments: MPLS service provider, IP service provider, and enterprise. The structure of Deploying IPv6 Networks enables you to use it as a reference for specific aspects of IPv6, as a technology study guide, or as a design guide for deploying IPv6. You’ll also find that the presentation approach enables you to leverage your IPv4 experience to quickly become knowledgeable and proficient with the concepts of IPv6.

About the Authors

Ciprian P. Popoviciu, PhD, CCIE No. 4499, is a technical leader within the Networked Solutions Integration Test Engineering (NSITE) group at Cisco Systems®. As part of NSITE, Ciprian was the lead on several projects including IPv6 Deployments and Solutions to which he contributed architecture, implementation, and evaluation guidance.

Eric Levy-Abegnoli is a technical leader in the IP Technologies Engineering group at Cisco, where he is the technical lead for IPv6 development in the Cisco IOS Software. Eric has worked with the Cisco IPv6 implementation since 2001 and has been involved in some of the largest IPv6 deployments.

Patrick Grossetete, manager of product management at Cisco, is responsible for a suite of Cisco IOS Software technologies including IPv6 and IP Mobility. He is a member of the IPv6 Forum Technical Directorate and manages the participation of Cisco in the Forum.

In this Book

  • The Case for IPv6—An Updated Perspective
  • An IPv6 Refresher
  • Delivering IPv6 Unicast Services
  • IPv6 Routing Protocols
  • Implementing QoS
  • Providing IPv6 Multicast Services
  • VPN IPv6 Architecture and Services
  • Advanced Services—IPv6 Mobility
  • Securing IPv6 Networks
  • Managing IPv6 Networks
  • Network Performance Considerations: Coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6
  • Generic Deployment Planning Guidelines
  • Deploying IPv6 in an MPLS Service Provider Network
  • Deploying IPv6 in an IP Service Provider Network
  • Deploying IPv6 in an Enterprise Network


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