Demystifying Emotions: A Typology of Theories in Psychology and Philosophy

  • 8h 25m
  • Agnes Moors
  • Cambridge University Press
  • 2022

Demystifying Emotions provides a comprehensive typology of emotion theories in psychology (evolutionary, network, appraisal, goal-directed, psychological constructionist, and social) and philosophy (feeling, judgmental, quasi-judgmental, perceptual, embodied, and motivational) in a systematic manner with the help of tools from philosophy of science, allowing scholars in both fields to understand the commonalities and differences between these theories. Agnes Moors also proposes her own novel, skeptical theory of emotions, called the goal-directed theory, based on the central idea that all kinds of behaviors and feelings are grounded in goal-striving. Whereas most scholars of emotion do not call the notion of emotion itself into question, this review engages in a critical examination of its scientific legitimacy. This book will appeal to readers in psychology, philosophy, and related disciplines who want to gain a deeper understanding of the controversies at play in the emotion domain.

  • Explains the commonalities and differences among various emotion theories
  • Proposes a novel theory of the emotions
  • Allows readers from psychology and philosophy to learn about theories in the other discipline

About the Author

Agnes Moors is an associate professor in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium, where she is a member of the Research Group of Quantitative Psychology and Individual Differences and the Center for Social and Cultural Psychology. Her research combines theoretical work, informed by philosophy, with empirical work.

In this Book

  • Preface
  • Abbreviations
  • Theory Development and Concepts
  • Demarcation-Explanation Cycle Applied to Emotion Theories
  • General Precursors
  • Evolutionary Theories
  • Network Theories
  • Stimulus Evaluation Theories
  • Response Evaluation Theories
  • Psychological Constructionist Theories
  • Social Theories
  • Conclusion
  • References


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