Decision Making & Problem Solving Strategies

  • 1h 3m
  • John Adair
  • Kogan Page
  • 2007

Decision Making and Problem Solving Strategies will help readers to master the processes of practical thinking which lie behind effective decision making, problem solving and creative thinking. Using checklists, exercises and case studies it will enable anyone to understand key concepts such as: how the mind works, the principles of effective thinking, how to develop a framework for decision making, how to use a simple model for making decisions and solving problems, how to sharpen up creative thinking skills and how to develop their thinking skills in the future.

Adair will help managers and leaders of all levels to ensure that the best decisions are taken, problems are solved in the optimum way, and the creative ideas and innovations so necessary for tomorrow's business flow freely.

About the Author

John Adair is now widely regarded as the world’s leading authority on leadership and leadership development. The author of 30 books on the subject, he has been named as one of the 40 people worldwide who have contributed most to the development of management thought and practice.

Educated at St Paul’s School, John Adair has enjoyed a varied and colourful career. He served as adjutant in a Bedouin regiment in the Arab Legion, worked as a deckhand on an Arctic trawler and had a spell as an orderly in a hospital operating theatre. After attending Cambridge University he became Senior Lecturer in Military History and Leadership Training Adviser at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, before becoming the first Director of Studies at St George’s House in Windsor Castle and then Associate Director of the Industrial Society. Later he became the world’s first Professor in Leadership Studies at the University of Surrey. He also helped to found Europe’s first Centre for Leadership Studies at the University of Exeter.

John Adair now acts as a national and international adviser on leadership development. His recent books, published by Kogan Page, include Not Bosses But Leaders, The Inspirational Leader, How to Grow Leaders and Leadership and Motivation.

In this Book

  • Your Mind at Work
  • The Art of Effective Decision Making
  • Sharing Decisions with Others
  • Key Problem-Solving Strategies
  • How to Generate Ideas
  • Thinking Outside the Box
  • Developing Your Thinking Skills
  • Further Reading