Data Visualization for Dummies

  • 3h 11m
  • Mico Yuk, Stephanie Diamond
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2014

A straightforward, full-color guide to showcasing data so your audience can see what you mean, not just read about it

Big data is big news! Every company, industry, not-for-profit, and government agency wants and needs to analyze and leverage datasets that can quickly become ponderously large. Data visualization software enables different industries to present information in ways that are memorable and relevant to their mission. This full-color guide introduces you to a variety of ways to handle and synthesize data in much more interesting ways than mere columns and rows of numbers.

Learn meaningful ways to show trending and relationships, how to convey complex data in a clear, concise diagram, ways to create eye-catching visualizations, and much more!

  • Effective data analysis involves learning how to synthesize data, especially big data, into a story and present that story in a way that resonates with the audience
  • This full-color guide shows you how to analyze large amounts of data, communicate complex data in a meaningful way, and quickly slice data into various views
  • Explains how to automate redundant reporting and analyses, create eye-catching visualizations, and use statistical graphics and thematic cartography
  • Enables you to present vast amounts of data in ways that won't overwhelm your audience

Part technical manual and part analytical guidebook, Data Visualization For Dummies is the perfect tool for transforming dull tables and charts into high-impact visuals your audience will notice...and remember.

About the Authors

Mico Yuk is founder of and She is a Business Intelligence coach, global keynote speaker, and analytics blogger.

Stephanie Diamond is a former marketing director for AOL, founder of, and the author of seven business books, including Social CRM For Dummies.

In this Book

  • Introducing Data Visualization
  • Exploring Common Types of Data Visualizations
  • Knowing What You Must About Big Data
  • Using Charts Effectively
  • Adding a Little Context
  • Paying Attention to Detail
  • Defining an Easy-to-Follow Storyboard
  • Developing a Clear Mock-Up
  • Adding Effective Visuals to Your Mock-Up
  • Adding Functionality and Applying Color
  • Adding Some Finishing Touches
  • Exploring User Adoption
  • Evaluating Real Data Visualizations
  • Recognizing Newbie Pitfalls
  • Top Ten Data Visualization Resources
  • Top Ten Fears of New Data-Viz Creators