Data Structures in Java

  • 3h 10m
  • Oswald Campesato
  • Mercury Learning
  • 2023

This book is a fast-paced introduction to using data structures with Java. Numerous code samples and listings are included to support myriad topics. The first chapter contains a quick introduction to Java, along with Java code samples to check for leap years, find divisors of a number, and work with arrays of strings. The second chapter introduces recursion and uses code samples to check if a positive number is prime, to find the prime divisors of a positive integer, to calculate the GCD (greatest common divisor) and LCM (lowest common multiple) of a pair of positive integers. The third chapter contains Java code samples involving strings and arrays, such as finding binary substrings of a number, checking if strings contain unique characters, counting bits in a range of numbers, and how to compute XOR without using the XOR function. Chapters 4 through 6 include Java code samples involving search algorithms, concepts in linked lists, and tasks involving linked lists. Finally, Chapter 7 discusses data structures called queues and stacks, along with additional Java code samples.


  • Features extensive topics, code samples, and scripts related to data structures
  • Covers strings, arrays, queues and stacks, linked lists, computing the XOR function, checking for unique characters, and more
  • Includes companion files with code samples from the book (available for downloading from the publisher with Amazon proof of purchase by writing to

About the Author

Oswald Campesato (San Francisco, CA) is an adjunct instructor at UC-Santa Cruz and specializes in Deep Learning, NLP, Android, and Python. He is the author/co-author of over forty-five books including Data Science Fundamentals Pocket Primer, Python 3 for Machine Learning, and the Python Pocket Primer (Mercury Learning).

In this Book

  • Introduction to JAVA
  • Recursion and Combinatorics
  • Strings and Arrays
  • Search and Sort Algorithms
  • Linked Lists (1)
  • Linked Lists (2)
  • Queues and Stacks


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