Data Governance: Creating Value from Information Assets

  • 4h 22m
  • Neera Bhansali
  • CRC Press
  • 2014

As organizations deploy business intelligence and analytic systems to harness business value from their data assets, data governance programs are quickly gaining prominence. And, although data management issues have traditionally been addressed by IT departments, organizational issues critical to successful data management require the implementation of enterprise-wide accountabilities and responsibilities.

Data Governance: Creating Value from Information Assets examines the processes of using data governance to manage data effectively. Addressing the complete life cycle of effective data governance—from metadata management to privacy and compliance—it provides business managers, IT professionals, and students with an integrated approach to designing, developing, and sustaining an effective data governance strategy.

  • Explains how to align data governance with business goals
  • Describes how to build successful data stewardship with a governance framework
  • Outlines strategies for integrating IT and data governance frameworks
  • Supplies business-driven and technical perspectives on data quality management, metadata management, data access and security, and data lifecycle

The book summarizes the experiences of global experts in the field and addresses critical areas of interest to the information systems and management community. Case studies from healthcare and financial sectors, two industries that have successfully leveraged the potential of data-driven strategies, provide further insights into real-time practice.

Facilitating a comprehensive understanding of data governance, the book addresses the burning issue of aligning data assets to both IT assets and organizational strategic goals. With a focus on the organizational, operational, and strategic aspects of data governance, the text provides you with the understanding required to leverage, derive, and sustain maximum value from the informational assets housed in your IT infrastructure.

About the Editor

Neera Bhansali, PhD, has more than 20 years of experience in information technology with an emphasis on strategic data warehousing. She is executive director of Biomedical Informatics at the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine at Florida International University in Miami, Florida. In Dr. Bhansali’s previous roles, she was head of informatics at CTNeT, the Statewide Clinical Trials Network of Texas, and held leadership positions, including director of Data Quality and Standards at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, Florida.

Dr. Bhansali is the author of Strategic Data Warehousing: Alignment to Business (CRC Press, 2009). She earned a doctorate in business and a master’s in business (information technology), both from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

In this Book

  • The Role of Data Governance in an Organization
  • Navigating the Organization to Ensure Data Governance
  • Metadata Management and Data Governance
  • Operationalizing Data Quality through Data Governance
  • Semantic Analytics and Ontologies
  • Data Privacy, Security, and Compliance through Data Governance
  • Adaptive Data Governance: The AT-EASE Change Management Approach
  • Case Study: State Level Governance of Health Information Exchange
  • Bridging the Gap between Business and IT: An Information Governance Perspective in the Banking Industry


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