Customer Innovation: Delivering a Customer-Led Strategy for Sustainable Growth, Second Edition

  • 4h 49m
  • Koen Tackx, Marion Debruyne
  • Kogan Page
  • 2019

Many organizations approach customer-centic marketing and innovating their business strategy in isolation to one another, missing groundbreaking opportunities for advancement. Customer Innovation, second edition, turns this on its head by starting with the customer, innovating around their needs, then building a customer led business strategy around it. It presents a well-constructed three-by-three formula of connect, convert, collaborate, laying the foundations for innovation and change, to improve the current customer journey and expand into new customer horizons. This enables new product and service development to flow with outstanding efficiency and substantial growth.

Customer Innovation, second edition, includes exciting updates around co-creation and the benefits of involving customers, stakeholders and employees from the beginning. It provides guidance on using technology to reinvent traditional business models, with consumer needs at the heart. With a spectacular range of case studies, including Disney, LEGO and Johnson & Johnson, all delivered with active takeaways, this is the ultimate handbook for any leader, business or marketing strategist, ready to pave the way in a new era of customer led strategy.

About the Authors

Dr. Marion Debruyne is Dean at Vlerick Business School, Belgium, ranked within the Financial Times Top 100 Business Schools. An international coach and speaker on customer innovation, she is a professor of marketing and innovation, with diverse industry experience ranging from healthcare and financial services to consumer products.

Dr. Koen Tackx is a professor of strategic marketing at Vlerick Business School, Belgium where his main focus is on how companies can create superior value for their customers. Before joining the academic world, he held several executive positions in different service industries.

In this Book

  • Connect Using the Zoom Lens: Five Practices to Zoom in on your Customer
  • Convert Using the Zoom Lens: How to Create a Culture of Daily Innovation
  • Collaborate Using the Zoom Lens: Placing the Customer at the Heart of your Activities
  • Connect Using the Wide Lens: Understanding your Customers' Journey, Goals and Outcomes
  • Convert Using the Wide Lens: Creating Innovative Solutions to the Challenges that Customers Face
  • Collaborate using the Wide Lens: Creating Customer Value by Collaborating Along the Value Chain
  • Connect using the Fisheye Lens: How to Learn from Customers you don't have
  • Convert using the Fisheye Lens: Should Business-Model Innovation be on your Agenda?
  • Collaborate using the Fisheye Lens: Creating Adaptable Ecosystems for Change and Expansion
  • Conclusion – Three Essential Capabilities: The Playbook for Continual Customer-Based Growth


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