Cryptography and Network Security: A Practical Approach

  • 3h 55m
  • K. Haribaskar
  • Laxmi Publications
  • 2014

The explosive growth in computer systems and their interconnections via network has increased the dependence of both organizations and individuals on the information stored and communicated using these systems. The internet as a world wide communication network has changed our daily life in many ways. The internet, as an open forum, has created some security problems.

Network security is a set of protocols that allows us to use the internet comfortably without worrying about security attacks. The most common tool for providing network security is cryptography, an old technique that has been revived and adopted to network security. In this Universal electronic connectivity, virus and hackers, electronic eavesdropping, and electronic fraud, security is paramount. This book provides a practical survey of the principles of cryptography and network security.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Networking
  • Classical Encryption Techniques
  • Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard
  • Advanced Encryption Standard
  • Number Theory
  • Public-Key, Cryptography and RSA
  • Other Public Key Cryptosystems
  • Cryptographic Hash functions
  • Key Management and Distribution
  • System Level Security