Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It, 2nd Edition

  • 4h 21m
  • Barry Z. Posner, James M. Kouzes
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2011

As the world falls deeper into economic downturns and warfare, the question of credibility (how leaders gain and lose it) is more important than ever. Building on their research from The Leadership Challenge, James Kouzes and Barry Posner explore in Credibility why leadership is above all a relationship, with credibility as the cornerstone, and why leaders must "Say what you mean and mean what you say." This first full revision of the book since its initial publication in 1993 features new case studies from around the world, fully updated data and research, and a streamlined format. Written by the premier leadership experts working today, Credibility:

  • Reveals the six key disciplines that strengthen a leader's capacity for developing and sustaining credibility.
  • Provides rich examples of real managers in action
  • Includes updates to the applications and research

This personal, inspiring, and genuine guide helps you understand the fundamental importance of credibility for building personal and organizational success.

About the Author

James M. Kouzes is chairman of the Tom Peters Group/Learning Systems, which makes leadership work through practical, performance-oriented learning programs, including the Leadership Challenge Workshop and Leadership Is Everyone's Business. In 1993 the Wall Street Journal cited him as one of the twelve most requested "non-university executive-education providers" to U.S. companies.

Barry Z. Posner, Ph.D, is dean of the Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University, and professor of organizational behavior. He has received several outstanding teaching and leadership awards, has published more than eighty research and practitioner-oriented articles, and currently is on the editorial review boards for the Journal of Management Education, the Journal of Management Inquiry, and theJournal of Business Ethics. He also serves on the board of directors for Public Allies-Silicon Valley and for the Center for Excellence in Nonprofits.

In this Book

  • Credibility — How Leaders Gain and Lose It Why People Demand It, 2nd Edition
  • Introduction — On Credibility and the Restoration of Trust and Confidence
  • Leadership Is a Relationship
  • Credibility Makes a Difference
  • Discover Your Self
  • Appreciate Constituents
  • Affirm Shared Values
  • Develop Capacity
  • Serve a Purpose
  • Sustain Hope
  • The Struggle to Be Human
  • Epilogue — Character Counts
  • Notes


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