Creating a Time Management System that Works for YOU: Paper, Electronic, or Hybrid?

  • 13m
  • Laura Stack
  • Laura Stack
  • 2013

Being organized means controlling the paper, the e-mail, the reading material and the inputs into and out of your office and your life. Organization is your ability to sort, filter and process all types of information effectively. It’s how tidy your office and your home look, inside and out. It’s how in-control you look and feel, inside and out. Being organized will give you more control over your life and your time. You MUST find the time and the self-control to achieve organization through proper systems.

About the Author

Laura Stack, MBA, CSP is America’s premier expert in productivity. For over 20 years, her speeches and seminars have helped professionals, leaders, teams, and organizations improve personal productivity, performance, and potential. Her Denver-based company, The Productivity Pro, Inc., provides time management workshops around the globe to help attendees achieve Maximum Results in Minimum Time. Laura was the 2011-2012 president of the National Speakers Association.

In this Book

  • Creating a Time Management System that Works for YOU—Paper, Electronic, or Hybrid?
  • Introduction
  • Assessment
  • Conclusions


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