Creating a Modern Mentoring Culture

  • 28m
  • Randy Emelo
  • Association for Talent Development
  • 2013

Mentoring has proven again and again to be a powerful and effective workforce development tool, and the need for mentoring, knowledge sharing, and skill building continues to grow. However, traditional mentoring, where one older mentor meets with a younger mentee in person to help facilitate development and groom them for career progression, is no longer adequate in today’s hyper-connected and fast-paced world. Technological advancements make is much easier to break down these barriers and bring people together. This trend is being driven in part by the Millennial generation. Companies today must embrace a new form of mentoring and knowledge sharing that allows workers to find and connect with their colleagues so they can learn while on the job, share best practices throughout all areas of the business, and collaborate with people no matter where they may be located.

About the Author

Randy Emelo has devoted much of his life to helping others learn and develop. With more than 25 years of experience in mentoring, management, training, and leadership development, Randy has worked with hundreds of clients to build and expand modern mentoring practices throughout the enterprise with Triple Creek’s social learning software. Randy is a prolific author, speaker, and thought leader on topics related to mentoring, social learning, collaboration, and talent development. He holds a master’s degree in organizational design and effectiveness from Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, CA. He lives in Denver, Colorado.

In this Book

  • Creating a Modern Mentoring Culture
  • The Need for Modern Mentoring
  • An Introduction to Modern Mentoring Techniques
  • Types of Modern Mentoring
  • Creating a Modern Mentoring Culture
  • The Workforce of Tomorrow—Are You Ready?
  • References & Resources
  • Job Aid, Group Mentoring Topics
  • Job Aid, Productive Mentoring Activities