Creating a Lean Culture: Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions, Third Edition

  • 6h 42m
  • David Mann
  • CRC Press
  • 2015
  • Contains new chapter on engaging executives in Lean initiatives
  • Includes 21 new case studies
  • Presents new examples from the healthcare and process industries
  • Includes additional gemba worksheets for learning and teaching Lean
  • Provides expanded coverage of Lean applications in complex cross functional value stream process improvement projects

The new edition of this Shingo Prize-winning bestseller provides critical insights and approaches to make any Lean transformation an ongoing success. It shows you how to implement a sustainable, successful transformation by developing a culture that has your stakeholders throughout the organizational chart involved and invested in the outcome. It teaches you how to successfully navigate the politics in cross-functional process improvement projects, and to engage executives in ways that are personally meaningful to them. If you are a leader at any level in an organization undergoing or considering a Lean transformation, this is where you should start and finish … and start again.

About the Author

David Mann is the author of Creating a Lean Culture: Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions. The book was awarded the Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence in 2006 and has become a best-seller in its field. It has been translated into Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In 15 years of Lean experience at Steelcase, Inc., Mann developed and applied the concepts of a Lean management system supporting 40+ Lean manufacturing value stream transformations, and led an internal consulting team that supported over 100 successful Lean enterprise business process value stream conversions. He established a Lean consulting practice in 2005 and retired from Steelcase in 2009.

Mann’s consulting, teaching, and coaching experience includes Lean transformation in manufacturing, enterprise business processes, and healthcare organizations. His practice includes clients in healthcare, mining and energy, discrete and process manufacturing, technology, food processing, and enterprise business processes.

Mann is a frequent consultant trainer and speaker on Lean leadership and management, a Shingo Prize examiner, and a faculty member in management science at the Fisher College of Business, the Ohio State University. Mann is an organizational psychologist, earning his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan in 1976.

In this Book

  • The Missing Link in Lean: The Management System
  • Lean Management System's Principal Elements
  • Standard Work for Leaders
  • Visual Controls
  • Daily Accountability Process
  • Lean in Administrative, Technical, and Professional Work
  • Learning Lean Management: The Sensei and Gemba Walks
  • Being the Sensei: Engaging Your Executives in the Lean Initiative
  • Leading a Lean Operation
  • Solving Problems and Improving Processes—Rapidly
  • People—Predictable Interruption, Source of Ideas
  • Sustain What You Implement