Conversations at Work: Promoting a Culture of Conversation in the Changing Workplace

  • 3h 31m
  • Aubrey Warren, Tim Baker
  • Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
  • 2015

For any organization to achieve its goals people need to interact, and those interactions require dialogue and conversation. And yet, thanks to technology, we seem to be having fewer genuine conversations than we used to. It used to be that instead of talking face-to-face with people, we would call them on the telephone. Then we faxed them. Then we emailed them. Now we text them or 'connect' through social media. In an increasingly mediated, technologically networked world, conversing one-on-one can seem a bit old fashioned. It is much quicker and easier to press a few buttons or click a mouse. Especially when the conversation we need to have might be a tough one – we've become 'more mouse that trousers.'

The question every contemporary manager must address is: How often am I using (or even hiding behind) technology when a person-to-person, face-to-face conversation is possible, or preferable? Simple, everyday, supportive conversations are the building blocks of effective relationships; they establish the context for more difficult, challenging conversations by building acceptance and understanding. The ability to hold meaningful and constructive conversations is one of the essential skills leaders at all levels of organizations must develop. Indeed, if there is a mark of leadership, it must be the courage and competence to talk openly, clearly, fairly, and confidently about issues that matter – the ability to have conversations at work.

About the Author

Dr Tim Baker is an international consultant and Director of Winners-at-Work Pty Ltd. Winners-at-Work is a consultancy that specialises in leadership development, change management and assisting managers to develop productive workplace cultures. In 2013, Tim was voted one of the 50 Most Talented Global Training & Development Leaders by the World HRD Congress. He has conducted over 2,430 seminars, workshops and keynote addresses to over 45,000 people in 11 countries across 21 industry groups.

Aubrey Warren is an experienced communication and leadership trainer, lecturer, coach, and writer who has contributed to the professional development of thousands of people across Australia and internationally since 2001. With a background in media production, Aubrey has published The Situational Leader e-newsletter since 2007. He is Australia's Situational Leadership® master trainer for the Center for Leadership Studies in the USA and teaches communication and leadership for the QUT Graduate School of Business and its executive development programs.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Organizations are Conversations
  • The “Them and Us” Employment Relationship—A Culture of Discouraging Conversations
  • A New Employment Relationship—A Culture of Encouraging Conversations
  • The Nine Common Barriers to Communication
  • Development Conversations—The Five Conversations Framework
  • Development Conversations—Five More Conversations
  • Conversations for Building Relationships
  • Conversations for Making and Reviewing Decisions
  • The “Face” of Communication
  • Active Listening Can Make other People Better Communicators Too
  • Using Your Eyes (Part 1)—Three Perceptual Positions
  • Using Your Eyes (Part 2)—Watching and Being Watched
  • The Art of Inquiry in Conversations
  • Creating and Maintaining Safe, Open Feedback Channels
  • Notes


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