Conversationally Speaking: Tested New Ways to Increase Your Personal and Social Effectiveness, Newly Revised, Third Edition

  • 2h 17m
  • Alan Garner
  • McGraw-Hill
  • 2017

Conversationally Speaking has become the most popular book in the world teaching conversation skills. Millions of people have used it to learn the secrets of effective communication. This revised edition provides more ways to improve your conversation skills by giving you strategies that work for starting conversations, asking questions that promote interaction, interesting people in what you have to say, listening so that others will be encouraged to talk, avoiding rejection-producing behavior, handling criticism constructively, and more.

Everybody thinks that some people are born with the "gift of gab" and some people aren't. But the truth is there is no "gift of gab." People who are good at conversation just know a few simple skills that anyone can learn. This book will teach you those skills.


Chapter 12 uniquely summarizes in 25 pages the life's work of famed psychologist Dr. Albert Ellis on overcoming shyness and becoming more confident- and does it so well it received praise from Dr. Ellis himself!

About the Author

Alan Garner, MA, is a nationally known communications consultant and a longtime teacher. He has taught hundreds of "Conversationally Speaking" workshops and over 5 million copies of his books have been sold worldwide. This book teaches simple skills for doing well socially in everyday language, which is why it has been popular in its various editions for 37 years and has sold almost 1 million copies. ("Lifeskills for Adult Children," which Garner wrote with co-author Janet Woititz, adapts these skills for Adult Children of Alcoholics).

In this Book

  • Introduction to the Third Edition
  • Asking Questions That Promote Conversation
  • Delivering Honest Positives
  • Listening So others Will Talk
  • Taking Advantage of Free Information
  • Letting others Know Who You are
  • Starting Conversations
  • Issuing Invitations That are Likely to Be Accepted
  • Handling Criticism Constructively
  • Resisting Attempts at Manipulation
  • Requesting Change
  • Conveying Meaning by Motion
  • Reducing Anxiety in Social Situations
  • Organizing Your Efforts
  • The Beginning
  • Notes
  • Selected References