Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

  • 6h 38m
  • Charlie Pulfer, David Hooker, Robert Sparnaaij, Sue Mosher
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2005

One of the challenges of administering and supporting Microsoft Outlook 2003 is that it stores settings in so many different places - in the Windows registry, as files in the users profile folders, and in the information store itself. Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003 pulls together in one volume the information that administrators in organizations of all sizes need to understand, deploy, and manage settings for Microsoft Outlook 2003. It covers configuration issues for environments where Microsoft Exchange is the mail server and also for those using IMAP4 or POP3. The book gives special attention to security issues, including recommended configuration of Outlooks built-in security features and methods for locking down Outlook with Group Policy Objects and other techniques.

Readers will learn how to:

  • Configure the new Cached Exchange mode and RPC over HTTP connections in Outlook 2003
  • Discover undocumented settings for Microsoft Exchange Server and use them to deploy or modify Outlook mail profiles
  • Migrate both user data and settings to a new machine
  • Use tools such as MFCMAPI and Outlook Spy to explore Outlook's data and settings
  • Configure an archive .pst file in the new Unicode format that supports up to 20GB of data
  • Use scripts to handle challenging configuration tasks such as granting Reviewer access to a Calendar folder, or adding a second Exchange mailbox to an Outlook profile

About the Authors

Sue Mosher is an independent consultant whose company, Turtleflock LLC (, provides programming and other services to organizations that want to use Microsoft Office to become more productive. She has been recognized by Microsoft since 1994 as a Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for her efforts to help other users work with Microsoft products. Her Web site at is a meeting place for Outlook programmers of all skill levels. This is her sixth book on Microsoft Outlook, her third for Digital Press.

Robert Sparnaaij, MCSE, Bachelor of Engineering, is an ICT consultant and Microsoft Outlook MVP and has been working professionally with Exchange and Outlook systems since 1999. Currently he works at an IT service desk with key tasks such as supporting internal clients, administering servers and business applications, setting up and guiding implementation and upgrade projects, setting up documentation and procedures for the department, company and end users, and advising and supporting the ICT Management department. He has a true ideal of creating the paperless office and maintaining information availability. With his web site at and his participation in the Microsoft Communities, he tries to help people to work efficiently with Outlook and related programs and systems on a daily basis. After the appearance of this book, Robert will go back to school and pursue a Master of Science for ICT in Business.

Charlie Pulfer is the General Manager of Titus ( and has primary focus on the development of Titus’ policy management software for Microsoft Outlook. Charlie also provides consulting services with expertise in PKI, e-mail policy and security, and Microsoft Rights Management Services.

David Hooker has written Exchange and Outlook code, including MAPI service providers and Outlook add-ins, since Outlook 98. He was an e-mail postmaster for an international organization for six years. He is a graduate of George Washington University, where he is currently pursuing further studies in computer science. In his spare time, he tries to paint like the 17th century Dutch masters.

In this Book

  • Outlook Data and Settings Locations
  • Outlook Configuration Techniques
  • Configuring Outlook Mail Profiles
  • Advanced .prf File Usage
  • Exchange Account Configuration
  • Locking Down Outlook
  • Managing the Outlook Security Settings Folder
  • Special Configuration Scenarios
  • Configuring Other Outlook Options


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