Configuration Management: Theory, Practice, and Application

  • 8h 6m
  • Jon M. Quigley, Kim L. Robertson
  • CRC Press
  • 2015
  • Explains what a configuration item is and what it implies
  • Supplies an overview of configuration management and its process elements
  • Describes configuration management baselines, configuration identification, management baseline changes, and acceptance criteria for end products
  • Presents risk management solutions for when things go wrong
  • Provides a systems perspective of the various elements of configuration and data management—explaining how they relate to the enterprise
  • Provides critical link between product testing, quality, and configuration management

Configuration Management: Theory, Practice, and Application details a comprehensive approach to configuration management from a variety of product development perspectives, including embedded and IT. It provides authoritative advice on how to extend products for a variety of markets due to configuration options.

The book also describes the importance of configuration management to other parts of the organization. It supplies an overview of configuration management and its process elements to provide readers with a contextual understanding of the theory, practice, and application of CM.

Explaining what a configuration item is and what it implies, the book illustrates the interplay of configuration and data management with all enterprise resources during each phase of a product lifecycle. It also demonstrates the interrelationship of CM to functional resources.

Shedding light on current practice, the book describes CM baselines, configuration identification, management baseline changes, and acceptance criteria for end products. It also considers testing, inspection and evaluation, related CM standards, and reference data. Coverage includes the product life cycle, the supporting enterprise infrastructure, functional resources, product management, CM elements, data types, and control requirements.

Providing a systems perspective of the various elements of configuration and data management, the book explains how they relate to the enterprise and details proven risk management solutions for when things go wrong.

About the Authors

Jon Quigley has worked in a variety of capacities within new product development organizations, including embedded product development engineer, product engineer, test engineer, electrical and electronic systems engineering manager, electrical and electronic verification and test manager, and electrical and electronic process manager.

Jon is on Western Carolina University’s Master of Project Management Advisory Board and Forsyth Technical Community College’s Advisory Committee for the Project Management Program. Additionally, he has taught project management at technical schools, Seattle City University, and a number of businesses. He is also an expert at IT Metrics and Productivity Institute, where he has webinars on a variety of topics.

Kim Robertson started his first company at the age of 18 and has extensive experience in all aspects of business and aerospace, spanning 40 years. He is the author of over 100 discipline-specific training packages, 3 fiction books, and articles for CM Trends and various other trade publications from industrial arts to configuration management and contract management. His interests in education and training development started in his teens. He is a National Defense Industrial Association-certified configuration manager with degrees from Westminster College in mathematics and physical sciences and a master’s degree from the University of Phoenix in organizational management, with a subspecialty of government contracts. His work experience includes wildlife art, photography, electrical circuit design, manufacturing, learning systems design, systems engineering, configuration management, contracts administration, policy and review, intellectual property, corporate audit, corporate finance, supply chain management, marketing, and public speaking. Kim is an associate of Value Transformations LLC.

In this Book

  • Overview of the Product Life Cycle
  • Overview of the Supporting Enterprise Infrastructure
  • Functional Resources
  • Configuration Management and Product Management
  • A Configuration Item and What It Implies
  • Data Definition, Data Types, and Control Requirements
  • Configuration Management
  • Configuration Management Support of Functional Resources
  • Configuration Management Baselines
  • Configuration Control
  • When Things Go Wrong!
  • Test, Inspection, and Evaluation Master Plan Organized
  • Acronyms


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