Computer Storage Fundamentals

  • 3h 17m
  • Susanta Dutta
  • BPB Publications
  • 2018

This book explains the basic concept of computer storage and its fundamental features and functionalities. It also includes topics on how the application servers access storage systems through the network.

Different storage vendors use different name for physical and logical components of a storage system, but this book primarily focuses on concept of storage systems using simple and commonly understood terminologies. Almost all modern storage systems have virtualization implemented to enhance performance and fault tolerance. This book explains these implementation aspects in simple terms.

This book also highlights the storage system usage in various solutions to meet enterprise company’s business objectives.

This book consists of nine chapters. First chapter describes the different type of storage systems and their solutions. Next four chapters focus on the components of a storage solution, storage disk array, host servers, storage networking components and their communications. Later chapters explain storage performance, fault tolerance and space efficiency and their related features. The last chapter highlights storage management software suite that enables administrator to manage all storage hardware and software components and their features and functionalities that are discussed in earlier chapters.

Concepts are explained with examples, less words and more diagrams. Simple language is used throughout the book with to-the-point information.

At the end of each chapter, this book provides industry specific case studies for the reader to correlate learnings with actual and real facts.

This book also includes different type of learning checks for each chapter that helps to refresh learnings and enhance the learning experience. Learning checks are classified into three - objective type questions with multiple choice answers, descriptive questions and quiz questions focusing on problem solving, logical thinking, and storage solution based. Quiz questions can have short answer, yes/no or true/ false. These learning checks can also be considered as a topic for group discussions, in which, group of students, colleagues, or professionals can discuss and provide reasons to justify their answers.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • About This Book
  • Storage Systems and Solutions
  • Storage Infrastructure
  • Storage Disk Array
  • Storage Communication Protocols
  • Storage Networking
  • Storage Performance
  • Fault Tolerance and Data Protection
  • Space Efficiency
  • Storage Management
  • Learning Check Answers


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