Computer Architecture

  • 3h 38m
  • Nirmala Sharma
  • Laxmi Publications
  • 2009

The book Computer Architecture is based on the syllabus prescribed by Rajasthan Technical University, Kota. This is useful for the students of MCA and BCA. This book is divided into 8 chapters. Chapter 1, Digital Fundamentals covers the basic concepts which helps students to study Computer Architecture. Chapter 2, Register Transfer Language describes the basic hardware language. Chapter 3, CPU Organization deals with the basics of CPU. Chapter 4, Parallel Processing deals with the concept of Pipelining. Chapter 5, Computer Arithmetic describes hardware algorithms for basic operations. Chapter 6, Microprogrammed Control Unit deals with types of control units. Chapter 7, Memory Organisation deals with memory concepts and Chapter 8, Input-output Organisation focuses on Input Output Processor, DMA and IOP.

About the Author

Nirmala Sharma has completed her B.E. from Mody College of Engineering and Technology, Laxmangarh, Sikar (Rajasthan) in Computer Science and Engineering stream in 2003. After completing her degree, she joined Sobhasaria Engineering College Sikar as a lecturer in Computer Science and Engineering Department. She has been teaching for the last six years. Presently she is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering in University College of Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota. Her areas of interest are Computer Architecture, Operating System, Object Oriented Programming etc.

In this Book

  • Digital Fundamentals
  • Register Transfer Language
  • CPU Organisation
  • Pipelining and Parallel Processing
  • Computer Arithmetic
  • Microprogrammed Control Unit
  • Memory Organisation
  • Input—Output Organisation