Competency-Based Human Resource Management

  • 4h 30m
  • David D. Dubois, William J. Rothwell, et al.
  • Intercultural Press
  • 2004

Force-fitting employees into a "job box" shortchanges both the employees and the organization, according to David Dubois and William Rothwell. The more effective method is to fit employee talents to the work that must be accomplished. Competency-Based Human Resource Management describes how to reinvent the human resource department so that job competencies--rather than job descriptions--become the foundation for all HR efforts.

The authors show HR professionals how to identify the key competencies that distinguish best-in-class performers--or "exemplars"--from average performers and use them as the basis for all HR functions, including planning, recruiting and selecting, training, and performance development. This new model of performance management unleashes the power of exemplary performers across all job categories, resulting in enhanced employee satisfaction and significant gains in productivity.

Competency-Based Human Resource Management provides a wide variety of planning tools, checklists, worksheets, and other practical aids to help HR professionals make the transition from a work-based environment to a competency-based foundation for human resource management.

About the Authors

David D. Dubois, Ph.D., L.P.C., is an internationally respected consultant, author, speaker, life-career counselor, coach, and workshop leader. Specializing in competency-based human resource management practices, he has more than 30 years of consulting experience with organizations such as Federal Express, University of Michigan Medical Center, U.S. Postal Service, and Ford Motor Company. He is author of the best-selling book Competency Based Performance Improvement.

William J. Rothwell, Ph.D., SPHR, is president of Rothwell & Associates, Inc., and professor of human resource development at The Pennsylvania State University. In more than 20 years of professional experience, he has served as assistant vice president, management development director, and training director in various corporations and state government offices. His latest publications include What CEOs Expect from Corporate Training and The Workplace Learner.

In this Book

  • Why a Focus on Jobs Is Not Enough
  • An Overview of Competency-Based HR Management Practices
  • A Need for Implementing Competency-Based HR Management
  • Competency-Based HR Planning
  • Competency-Based Employee Recruitment and Selection
  • Competency-Based Employee Training
  • Competency-Based Performance Management
  • Competency-Based Employee Rewards
  • Competency-Based Employee Development
  • The Transformation to Competency-Based HR Management
  • Competency-Based HR Management—The Next Steps
  • References


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