Collins Business Secrets: Getting Things Done

  • 1h 13m
  • Rus Slater
  • HarperCollins
  • 2010

The secrets that experts and top professionals use to get things done.

Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Getting Things Done.

Includes how to:

  • Get more done in less time
  • Manage upwards, downwards and sideways
  • Under-promise and over-deliver
  • Overcome difficult people and issues
  • Deliver projects on time and on budget

About the Author

Rus Slater is a management consultant and trainer in the UK who has worked in many areas of industry, commerce, public service and a military. He has managed people and advised on the management of teams for many years.

In this Book

  • Collins Business Secrets—Getting Things Done
  • Getting things done is the way to get on in life
  • Check your bank balance of time
  • Ask for clear instructions
  • See the relevance of the bigger picture
  • Identify what’s relevant to you
  • Do the ‘right’ things right
  • Plan for output, not activity
  • DREAM to get more done
  • Have a personal vision or mission
  • Know WIIFM
  • Make ‘to do’ lists
  • Decide if ‘how’ is important
  • Fit into a bigger process
  • Find out how others do it
  • Set quality measures
  • Know how to KISS
  • Prioritize this – or that?
  • Look at effort versus pay-off
  • Go for quick wins
  • Use your body clock
  • Schedule your tasks
  • Schedule for task dependency
  • Schedule for resource dependency
  • Schedule for concurrent activity
  • Use your waiting time
  • Deal with people distractions
  • Deal with other distractions
  • Use technology
  • Beware the Seven Wastes of Time
  • Manage your meetings
  • Fight fatigue
  • Practise ‘good housekeeping’
  • Avoid procrastination
  • ‘Sharpen the saw’
  • Don’t say “yes” to every request
  • Just say “no”
  • Use 5Y questioning
  • Assess risks sensibly
  • Manage risks well
  • Define problems
  • ‘Appreciate’ problems
  • Choose a quick fix, then a long fix
  • Find the root cause
  • Learn how to improvise
  • Work to YOUR strengths
  • Influence others
  • Give good instructions
  • Learn the art of delegating
  • Use WIIFYs
  • Say “thank you”
  • Learn from doing
  • Jargon buster
  • Further reading