Coaching Yourself to Leadership: Five Key Strategies for Becoming an Integrated Leader

  • 2h 15m
  • Ginny O’Brien
  • Human Resource Development Press
  • 2006

What would happen if a respected business coach gave you a new model for leadership that could help you achieve the happiness, productivity and fulfillment at work you so desire? It would change your life. That’s exactly what author Ginny O'Brien has done. She’s a certified business coach who draws on an approach she’s used successfully for years in her practice to develop effective leaders. It integrates competencies from three domains of leadership—self, work and others—and emphasizes both masculine and feminine elements of strength.

O’Brien’s themes—be authentic, visionary, emotionally intelligent, an assertive communicator and connected to others through relationships and alliances—are covered in-depth in separate chapters. Exercises, tools and specific guidance are also provided to help you turn the information presented into everyday practices.

The purpose of the book is not to help you become the next Jack Welch—being a great leader doesn’t mean you have to get to the top. Rather, it is to provide you with practices and techniques that will transform you into a more positive, authentic leader who can make work better for yourself and those you currently lead.

About the Author

Ginny O’Brien, MS, PCC, is an executive and corporate coach, specializing in leadership development and women’s advancement. In 1998, she founded The Columbia Consultancy, a leadership development coaching firm. She has worked with managers, directors, and executives—both men and women—from Fortune 500 corporations as well as small- and medium-sized companies.

A skilled facilitator and workshop leader, Ginny has presented at major conferences and led workshops for over 100 organizations. She is the author of two other books: Success on Our Own Terms: Tales of Extraordinary, Ordinary Business Women (John Wiley, 1998), which provides strategies for navigating the corporate world and best practices for women’s initiatives and advancing women in management; and The Fast Forward MBA in Business (John Wiley, 1996), which is an easy-to-read reference guide to business principles and management theory that has been translated into six languages. In addition, she was a contributing author to Winning in the New Europe: Taking Advantage of the Single Market (Prentice Hall, 1992), and her articles on business intelligence and career strategies have been published in the business and trade press. Ginny has been featured in major newspapers, has appeared on regional and national radio and TV shows, and is listed in the International Who’s Who of Professional and Business Women.

In this Book

  • Coaching Yourself to Leadership—Five Key Strategies for Becoming an Integrated Leader
  • Introduction
  • Be Authentic—Work According to Your Values
  • Be Visionary—Know Where You Want to Go and How to Get There
  • Be Emotionally Intelligent—Build Your EQ Muscles
  • Be Assertive—Know How to Communicate Effectively
  • Be Connected—Build Strategic Relationships


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