Coaching for High Performance: How to Develop Exceptional Results through Coaching
- 1h 11m
- Sarah Cook
- IT Governance
- 2009
Coaching for High Performance is intended to inspire IT managers with practical advice and tips on how to create a coaching environment in their department. Applying coaching skills in the IT workplace will help create an environment of high performance. Coaching enables people, improves performance and enhances the quality of work. Furthermore, it is a skill that is readily usable by all. It is a set of behaviors which can be used during a five- minute chat with a colleague or a direct report, during a one-to-one meeting, a performance review or as part of an IT project meeting.
About the Author
The author, Sarah Cook is the Managing Director of The Stairway Consultancy Ltd. She has 15 years' consulting experience specializing in executive coaching, leadership and change and a background in industry. Sarah is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, with an MA from Cambridge University and an MBA. She is an accredited user of a wide range of psychometric and personal diagnostic tools.
In this Book
Coaching for High Performance—How to Develop Exceptional Results through Coaching
What Is Coaching?
The Skills and Styles of Coaching
Models of Coaching
Effective Feedback
Contracting and Goal-Setting
Listening and Questioning Skills
Generating Options and Encouraging Change
Introducing Coaching to Your Environment
ITG Resources