Cloud Networking: Understanding Cloud-based Data Center Networks

  • 4h 28m
  • Gary Lee
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2014

Cloud Networking: Understanding Cloud-Based Data Center Networks explains the evolution of established networking technologies into distributed, cloud-based networks. Starting with an overview of cloud technologies, the book explains how cloud data center networks leverage distributed systems for network virtualization, storage networking, and software-defined networking. The author offers insider perspective to key components that make a cloud network possible such as switch fabric technology and data center networking standards. The final chapters look ahead to developments in architectures, fabric technology, interconnections, and more. By the end of the book, readers will understand core networking technologies and how they're used in a cloud data center.

  • Understand existing and emerging networking technologies that combine to form cloud data center networks
  • Explains the evolution of data centers from enterprise to private and public cloud networks
  • Reviews network virtualization standards for multi-tenant data center environments
  • Includes cutting-edge detail on the latest switch fabric technologies from the networking team in Intel

About the Author

Gary Lee has been working in the semiconductor industry since 1981. He began his career as a transistor-level chip designer specializing in the development of high-performance Gallium Arsenide chips for the communication and computing markets. Starting in 1996 while working for Vitesse Semiconductor, he led the development of the world's first switch fabric chip set that employed synchronous high-speed serial interconnections between devices, which were used in a variety of communication system designs and spawned several new high performance switch fabric product families. As a switch fabric architect, he also became involved with switch chip designs utilizing the PCI Express interface standard while working at Vitesse and at Xyratex, a leading storage system OEM. In 2007, he joined a startup company called Fulcrum Microsystems who was pioneering low latency 10GbE switch silicon for the data center market. Fulcrum was acquired by Intel Corporation in 2011 and he is currently part of Intel's Networking Division. For the past 7 years he has been involved in technical marketing for data center networking solutions and has written over 40 white papers and application notes related to this market segment. He received his BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota and holds 7 patents in several areas including transistor level semiconductor design and switch fabric architecture.

In this Book

  • Welcome to Cloud Networking
  • Data Center Evolution—Mainframes to the Cloud
  • Switch Fabric Technology
  • Cloud Data Center Networking Topologies
  • Data Center Networking Standards
  • Server Virtualization and Networking
  • Network Virtualization
  • Storage Networks
  • Software-Defined Networking
  • High-Performance Computing Networks
  • Future Trends
  • Conclusions


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