Class A ERP Implementation: Integrating Lean and Six Sigma

  • 5h 11m
  • Donald H. Sheldon
  • J. Ross Publishing
  • 2005

Class A ERP is often misunderstood and confused with software tools and implementations but is actually a management system for continuous improvement. This book will resolve these myths by thoroughly describing the definition of Class A ERP and giving specifics for achieving Class A performance in a reasonable timeframe. Examples from successes will be referenced to and the author will build a case for breaking the journey to world-class performance into bite-sized, doable focus areas. Class A ERP Implementation will help organizations set the stage for maximum effectiveness of both Lean strategies and Six Sigma and establish ERP disciplines as the prerequisite to success.

Key Features:

  • Facilitates detailed understanding of Class A ERP in a “how to,” approachable format
  • Describes how ERP, Lean and Six Sigma can be combined to create the perfect environment for continuous improvement
  • Offers detailed coverage of all aspects of ERP including top management planning, cost planning, Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP), master scheduling, execution planning, procurement process planning, supply chain management, shop floor control and customer service
  • Illustrates audit criteria for confirmation of Class A performance
  • Presents valuable insights into management systems and accountability infrastructures allowing more employee involvement and successful sharing of business goals through the use of ERP disciplines

About the Author

Donald H. Sheldon is President of the DHSheldon & Associates consulting firm in New York. He started his career at The Raymond Corporation, a world-class manufacturer of material handling equipment. He held the position of Director and General Manager of Raymond's Worldwide Aftermarket Services Division when he left to accept the position of Vice President for Buker, Inc., of Chicago, a globally recognized leader in management education and consulting. While at Buker, Mr. Sheldon helped clients on every continent to achieve business excellence in numerous areas including inventory accuracy. After several years of traveling with Buker, Mr. Sheldon joined NCR Corporation, a client company, to work full time with its manufacturing facilities throughout Asia, northern Africa, Europe, and the Americas. As Vice President of Global Quality and Six Sigma Services, Mr. Sheldon was directly involved in the process improvement health worldwide at NCR. In 2003, Mr. Sheldon, to continue to support his passion for coaching excellence, launched DHSheldon & Associates. He and his network of consultants continue to work with companies in North America to improve competitive advantage.

Mr. Sheldon has published numerous articles in journals and is co-author (with Michael Tincher) of the book The Road to Class A Manufacturing Resource Planning (MPR II), published in 1995, and author of Achieving Inventory Accuracy (J. Ross Publishing, 2004). He has been a frequent speaker at colleges, international conventions, and seminars including the American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS). He holds a master of arts degree in business and government policies studies and an undergraduate degree in business and economics, both from the State University of New York, Empire State College. He is certified by APICS as CFPIM (Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management) and as CIRM (Certified in Resource Management).

In this Book

  • What is ERP?
  • Class a ERP Performance
  • Business Planning
  • Sales and Marketing Planning: Creating the Demand Plan
  • Operations Planning
  • Sales and Operations Planning
  • Master Scheduling
  • Class a ERP Material Planning
  • Class a ERP Data Accuracy Requirements
  • Class a ERP Procurement Process
  • Shop Floor Control
  • Customer Service
  • Class a ERP Project Management/Six Sigma Process Integration
  • Class a ERP Management System
  • Education and Training
  • Class a ERP Performance Metrics
  • A Word About ERP Software
  • Class a ERP Implementation
  • Class a ERP Integration with Lean and Six Sigma
  • The Role of Consultants in Class a ERP