Choose Your Story, Change Your Life: Silence Your Inner Critic and Rewrite Your Life from the Inside Out

  • 4h 29m
  • Kindra Hall
  • HarperCollins Leadership
  • 2022

The things we tell ourselves affect how well or poorly our path in life goes. It’s time to flip the script on the internal stories you tell yourself and live life on your terms.

Most of the “self-stories” you tell yourself—the kind of person you say you are and the things you are capable of—are invisible to you because they have become such a part of your everyday mental routine that you don’t even recognize they exist.

Yet, these self-stories influence everything you do, everything you say, and everything you are.

Choose Your Story, Change Your Life will help you take complete control of your self-stories and create the life you’ve always dreamed you’d have. Author Kindra Hall offers up a new window into your psychology, one that travels the distance from the frontiers of neuroscience to the deep inner workings of your thoughts and feelings.

In Choose Your Story, Change Your Life, Kindra will help you:

  • Uncover the truth of how you have created the life you have;
  • Challenge everything you think you know about how your life has been built;
  • Uncover the clear steps you can take to create the life you want;
  • Take control of your self-story to become the author of who you are; and
  • Live your life in a way you never have before.
This eye-opening, but applicable journey will transform you from a passive listener of these limiting, unconscious thoughts to the definitive author of who you are and everything you want to be.

Changing your life is as simple as choosing better stories to tell yourself. If you can change your story, you can change your life.

About the Author

Kindra Hall is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author and international keynote speaker. She speaks for and teaches leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs across countless industries to harness and leverage the power of their stories. She is Chief Storytelling Officer of SUCCESS Magazine, where she interviews icons like Deepak Chopra, Jen Sincero of the You Are a Badass series, Daymond John, and others to hear and share their stories of success. She is based in New York City with her husband and two children.

In this Book

  • Introduction—The Real Yellow Brick Road
  • Wired for Story—Where Your Self-Stories Come from
  • Life Imitates Story—How Stories Create Your Reality
  • Choose Your Story, Change Your Life—How Rewriting Your Stories Can Transform Your Future
  • Catch—Identifying Your Invisible Stories
  • Analyze—Putting Your Inner Story under the Magnifying Glass
  • Choose—Reauthor a New Story That Serves You
  • Install—Putting Your New Self-Story to Work
  • Business and Career—Choosing Your Own Success Story Adventure
  • Health and Well-Being—Finding Your Stories of True Health
  • Money and Finances—Stories Don't Grow on Trees…
  • Relationships and Love—Connecting with the Characters of Life
  • Family and Parenting—Telling it Forward
  • The Emerald City—It's all Stories
  • Notes


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