Change Management in A Week: Managing Change in Seven Simple Steps

  • 1h 25m
  • Mike Bourne, Pippa Bourne
  • Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
  • 2016

Change management just got easier

If an organization does not change in response to the environment in which it is operating, it will ultimately fail. Just as people have to change and adapt according to their circumstances, so do organizations. No one can deny that managing change is a difficult and sometimes painful task. It is complex and can be emotionally draining, involving a range of skills from project planning through to influencing those likely to be affected and ensuring that the appropriate actions happen. Difficult though it is, the ability to manage change is one of the critical skills needed by a manager. Anyone who wants to progress up the career ladder must be adept at instigating and managing change.

This book concentrates on implementing change and ensuring that it happens. It is designed to help managers overseeing the whole change and those who are managing part of the process and trying to keep it on track. It will also interest people caught up in the change process, helping them to understand why certain things are happening to them.

Over this week-long course you will cover:

  • Sunday: Why change is necessary
  • Monday: Unfreezing: creating the impetus for change
  • Tuesday: Moving: The change roller-coaster
  • Wednesday: Refreezing: making the change stick
  • Thursday: Tools for analysing resistance to change
  • Friday: Examples of change projects
  • Saturday: Making change happen

About the Authors

Mike Bourne is Professor of Business Performance at Cranfield's Centre for Business Performance where his work involves helping companies change, develop and perform. Before that he held senior posts in industry. He now consults widely and is an international speaker.

Pippa Bourne is Regional Director for ICAEW, the membership organization supporting Chartered Accountants around the world. She has an MBA and is a chartered marketer and has experience in marketing and general management roles..

In this Book

  • Sunday—Why Change is Necessary
  • Monday—Unfreezing Creating the Impetus for Change
  • Tuesday—Moving the Change Roller-Coaster
  • Wednesday—Refreezing: Making the Change Stick
  • Thursday—Tools for Analysing Resistance to Change
  • Friday—Examples of Change Projects
  • Saturday—Making Change Happen


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