Change Management for Sustainability

  • 2h 26m
  • Huong Ha
  • Business Expert Press
  • 2014

This book will focus on how organizations can manage change in order to transform and develop in a sustainable manner. Change management is challenging, multi-faceted and complex, and must be addressed by multi-stakeholders in an organization. It requires strategic and tactical action and resources, both tangible and intangible, to implement changes and to deal with resistance to change. Given the dynamic development of internal (resources, capabilities, competitiveness, etc.) and external (political, economic, socio-cultural, technological and environmental) environment influences, firms are required to respond to these changes. Accordingly, change management is imperative for organizational development and success. Nevertheless, resources are limited, whereas wants are unlimited. Thus, changes for sustainability would be able to help firms build their capabilities and core competencies which, in turn, help them retain their competitive advantages for a reasonable period of time. As change management is a complex and challenging task, it is impossible to adopt any single method or framework to address the issues associated with change in organizations. Thus, Kotter's change framework, policy analysis and multi-stakeholder models in management and governance for sustainability will be adopted to develop concepts, arguments, discussion, etc. This book is significant as it will (i) address the issues from an inter-disciplinary perspective, (ii) focus not only on organizational change management but also on dimensions of sustainability, and (iii) provide a better insight for further research in change management. Many change management text books do not focus on the aspect of sustainability. Thus, this book, which can be used as a textbook or a reference one, would contribute to the stock of current knowledge on change management for sustainability.

About the Author

Dr. Huong Ha is the Academic Coordinator of MBA and undergraduate business programmes at UON Singapore (University of Newcastle, Singapore campus). She was the Dean of TMC Business School and Director of Research and Development, TMC Academy (Singapore). She holds a PhD from Monash University (Australia) and a Master’s degree in public policy from Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. She was a recipient of many scholarships, and teaching and professional awards. Dr. Ha has been an invited member of editorial boards of many international journals, scientific and technical committees of several international conferences, and international advisory boards of several associations, as well as a reviewer of many international journals.

In this Book

  • Change Management for Sustainability
  • Abstract
  • Preface
  • Introduction to Change Management
  • Types and Models of Change
  • Leaders as Change Agents for Change and Sustainability
  • Managing Resistance to Change
  • People Behaviors and Organizational Culture for Change and Sustainability
  • Strategy and Structural Change for Sustainability
  • Innovation and Change for Sustainability—A Final Conclusion
  • Notes
  • References


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