C++ Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

  • 5h 18m
  • Bruce Sutherland
  • Apress
  • 2015

C++ Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach is a handy code cookbook reference guide that cover the latest C++ 14 as well as some of the code templates available in the latest Standard Template Library (STL).

In this handy reference, you'll find numbers, strings, dates, times, classes, exceptions, streams, flows, pointers and more. Also, you'll see various code samples, templates for C++ algorithms, parallel processing, multithreading and numerical processes. These have many applications including game development, big data analytics, financial engineering and analysis, enterprise applications and more. A wealth of STL templates on function objects, adapters, allocators, and extensions are also available.

This is a "must read", contemporary reference for your technical library.

What you’ll learn

  • How to handle numbers, strings, text, dates and times, and data in general
  • How to implement a variety of C++ algorithms
  • How to handle and use classes, exceptions, streams and flows
  • How to build parallel processing C++ templates
  • How to code for pointers
  • How to leverage the wealth of C++ templates found in the STL, including function objects, adapters, allocators and more
  • How to extend the STL and more

Who this book is for

This book is for those with at least some experience with C++ and certainly experience with programming in general.

About the Author

Bruce Sutherland is a video game programmer hailing from Dundee, Scotland. He graduated with a Bsc (Hons) Computer Games Technology from the University of Abertay, Dundee in Scotland, graduating in 2005. After graduating he began his first job in the games industry at 4J Studios where he worked on Star Trek: Encounters (PS2), The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (PS3), Star Trek: Conquest (PS2, Wii), Ducati Moto (NDS) and AMF Pinbusters! (NDS). In July 2008 he moved from Dundee to Melbourne Australia where he joined Visceral Studios and was a software engineer on Dead Space (Xbox 360, PS3, PC), The Godfather II (Xbox 360, PS3, PC) and Dead Space 3 (Xbox 360, PS3, PC). He developed an interest in developing for Android in his spare time and writes tutorials on his blog.

In this Book

  • Beginning C++
  • Modern C++
  • Working with Text
  • Working with Numbers
  • Classes
  • Inheritance
  • The STL Containers
  • The STL Algorithms
  • Templates
  • Memory
  • Concurrency
  • Networking
  • Scripting
  • 3D Graphics Programming