C# 5.0 Programmer's Reference

  • 16h 5m
  • Rod Stephens
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2014

Stay ahead of the game with this comprehensive guide to the C# programming language

Well-known C# expert Rod Stephens gives novice and experienced developers a comprehensive tutorial and reference to standard C#. This new title fully covers the latest C# language standard, C# 5.0, as well as its implementation in the 2013 release of Visual Studio. The author provides exercises and solutions; and his C# Helper website will provide readers and students with ongoing support. This resource is packed with tips, tricks, tutorials, examples, and exercises and is the perfect professional companion for programmers who want to stay ahead of the game.

Author Rod Stephens is a well-known programming authority and has written more than 25 programming books covering C#, Java, VB, and other languages. His books have sold more than 60,000 copies in multiple editions. This book's useful exercises and solutions are designed to support training and higher education adoptions.

  • Learn the full range of C# programming language features
  • Quickly locate information for specific language features in the reference section
  • Familiarize yourself with handling data types, variables, constants, and much more
  • Experiment with editing and debugging code and using LINQ

Beginning through intermediate-level programmers will benefit from the accessible style of C# 5.0 Programmer's Reference and will have access to its comprehensive range of more advanced topics. Stay up-to-date and improve your programming skills with this invaluable resource.

About the Author

Rod Stephens is a C# and Windows programming expert with more than 25 programming books to his credit, covering C#, Java, VB, and other programming languages. Rod’s C# Helper Website (www.csharphelper.com) receives almost 1 million post views per year, and provides tips, tricks, and code examples for professional C# programmers.

In this Book

  • The C# Environment
  • Writing a First Program
  • Program and Code File Structure
  • Data Types, Variables, and Constants
  • Operators
  • Methods
  • Program Control Statements
  • LINQ
  • Error Handling
  • Tracing and Debugging
  • OOP Concepts
  • Classes and Structures
  • Namespaces
  • Collection Classes
  • Generics
  • Printing
  • Configuration and Resources
  • Streams
  • File System Objects
  • Networking
  • Regular Expressions
  • Parallel Programming
  • XML
  • Serialization
  • Reflection
  • Cryptography


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