Business Driven Technology, Eighth Edition

  • 13h 32m
  • Paige Baltzan
  • McGraw-Hill
  • 2020

Business Driven Technology provides the ultimate flexibility in tailoring content to the exact needs of your MIS or IT course! Business Driven Technology offers flexibility to customize according to your needs, as well as course and student needs, by covering essential concepts and topics in five core units, while providing additional in-depth coverage via the business and technology plug-ins.

In this Book

  • The Technology Plug-Ins
  • Successful Semesters Include Connect
  • Walkthrough
  • Business Driven Technology
  • Identifying Competitive Advantages
  • Strategic Initiatives for Implementing Competitive Advantages
  • Measuring the Success of Strategic Initiatives
  • Organizational Structures That Support Strategic Initiatives
  • Valuing and Storing Organizational Information—Databases
  • Accessing Organizational Information—Data Warehouses
  • Understanding Big Data and Its Impact on Business
  • Enabling the Organization—Decision Making
  • Extending the Organization—Supply Chain Management
  • Building a Customer-Centric Organization—Customer Relationship Management
  • Integrating the Organization from End to End—Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Creating Innovative Organizations
  • Ebusiness
  • Creating Collaborative Partnerships
  • Integrating Wireless Technology in Business
  • Developing Software to Streamline Operations
  • Methodologies for Supporting Agile Organizations
  • Managing Organizational Projects
  • Business Basics
  • Business Process
  • Hardware and Software Basics
  • MIS Infrastructures
  • Networks and Telecommunications
  • Information Security
  • Ethics
  • Operations Management
  • Sustainable MIS Infrastructures
  • Business Intelligence
  • Global Information Systems
  • Global Trends
  • Apply Your Knowledge
  • Glossary
  • Notes