Business Digitalization: Corporate Identity and Reputation
- 4h 20m
- Maria Teresa Cuomo, Pantea Foroudi
- Taylor and Francis
- 2024
Technological advances, alongside increasing globalization and growing awareness of socio-cultural and socio-political issues, are driving corporate branding innovations, and organizations must react and adapt quickly to compete. This book investigates and explores the impact of digital transformation on building corporate branding, identity and reputation.
This book brings together international contributors to provide examples from a wide range of industries and firms, including the retailing and agrifood industries, and illustrates the many dimensions of corporate branding and theories and how they can be aided by digital transformation. It explores the connection of branding with artificial intelligence, social media networks and technologies 4.0, as well as the limitations and challenges they might deliver. Using a combination of theory, primary research findings and practice, this book offers viewpoints and expertise from multiple regions, appealing to a global audience.
This edited collection serves as an important resource for researchers, scholars and postgraduate students of marketing, brand management and corporate communications and those interested in the emerging relationship with technology.
About the Author
Pantea Foroudi is a business manager and solution architect at Foroudi Consultancy and a member of marketing, branding and tourism at Middlesex University London.
Maria Teresa Cuomo is a professor of Business Economics at the University of Salerno, where she teaches "Management and Innovation" and "Management."
In this Book
Business Digitalisation: Corporate Identity and Reputation
Brand Identity and Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Higher Education Sector
Religion, Social Media Networks and Marketing Opportunities: The Case of British Muslim Entrepreneurs
Employees’ Social Media Presence: Future Directions for Corporate Reputation
How Digital Technology Adoption Results in Improved Innovation and Firm Performance Outcomes
Customer Engagement in International Marketing Research: Intellectual Structure and Research Agenda
An Overview of the Influence of Technology on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Culture
Digital Strategy and Business Performance
Personalisation: The Construct and its Dimensions
The Influence of eCommerce Providers in Promoting eCommerce: A Study of Nigeria e-Merchants’ and Online Customers’ Perspectives