Built to Grow: How to Deliver Accelerated, Sustained and Profitable Business Growth

  • 4h 32m
  • Royston Guest
  • John Wiley & Sons (UK)
  • 2017

If you asked a cross-section of business leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs what their biggest business challenge is, you would probably hear the same recurring thought: growing their business in a sustainable, predictable, yet profitable way – quickly.

It’s a reality that most businesses and individuals never reach their full potential, always yearning for the ‘thing’ that will catapult them into significance, but never really finding it.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur starting out, or a director, executive or business leader climbing the corporate ladder, the building blocks of Built to Grow are universally applicable.

Developed in the real world laboratory of thousands of businesses in twenty-seven countries spanning over two decades, Built to Grow is a proven, time-tested model to unlock the real potential in your business.

Avoid the common pitfalls of a trial and error approach to business growth. Built to Grow is full of practical strategies, tools and ideas, backed up with real world case studies to illustrate what can be achieved - leaving you equipped to transform your businesses performance and drive tangible results.

Built to Grow is destined to become your handbook, your ‘go to’ guide, your roadmap to accelerated, sustained and profitable business growth.

About the Author

ROYSTON GUEST is CEO of Pti Worldwide, a global consultancy and people development business with a proven track record in delivering business growth, people transformation and peak performance. Royston's two professional missions are driving sustainable business growth...fast, and unlocking the real potential of individuals—missions spanning over two decades, twenty-seven countries and engaging with tens of thousands of businesses across a multitude of sectors, enterprises and governments. Whether speaking, facilitating, consulting or coaching, Royston's passion to make a real tangible difference is at the forefront of his work, and what sets him apart from his peers.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • The Fundamentals of Business Growth—Your AMR Strategy
  • Your Business Growth Transformation Framework® (BGTF)
  • Inspirational Leadership
  • Building a High Performing Organization
  • Business Purpose, Aspirational Goals, and Growth Strategy
  • Market Potential Strategy
  • Compelling Value Proposition Strategy
  • Customer Strategy
  • Marketing and Communications Strategy
  • Business Development and Sales Strategy
  • People Strategy
  • Operational Excellence Strategy
  • Finance and Governance
  • Control the Controllable
  • Your Journey to Mastery
  • Bibliography