Building Resilient Organizations: Best Practices, Tools, and Insights to Thrive in Ever-Changing Contexts
- 3h 19m
- Project Management Institute PMI
- Project Management Institute
- 2022
In our tumultuous times, understanding and achieving resilience have never been more important. Some organizations have resilience in their DNA. They possess the agility of mind, culture, and organization to survive and thrive no matter what is put in their way. Building Resilient Organizations is focused on identifying what sets these enterprises apart, exploring the nature of resilience for organizations. Along the way, we discover some inspiring global examples of resilient projects in practice and some novel thinking for leaders to consider about what it takes to be resilient over the long haul. With contributions from leading thinkers and practitioners from throughout the world, Building Resilient Organizations will enable you and your organization to further develop resilience as a muscle in your organization.
About the Author
PMI serves more than five million professionals including over 680,000 members in 217 countries and territories around the world, with 304 chapters and 14,000 volunteers serving local members in over 180 countries.
In this Book
Organizational Resilience Through Culture
How to Become Comfortable with Discomfort
Risk Management is the Key to Innovation
Building Resilience by Leading Change
The Agile Organization's Secret—Operating Models
Why Resilient Organizations Need Generative Leaders
Putting Your Organization on the Performance Curve to Support Agility and Resilience
Recruiting, Retaining, and Leading High Performers
Organizations as Resilient Living Systems
Building Organizational Resilience—When the Entire Organization Should Be Engaged and Power Unleashed
Resilient Leadership—How to Build Resilience and Help Your Team Thrive
Using the IDEAS Process to Build a Framework for Resilience
Built to Morph—Generative Capacity in the Protean Age
Achieving Resilience Through Structural and Systems Change
Leading into an Unknown Future—Why Learning Organizations Prove Resilient, but Not Vice Versa
Conscious Resilience—A Framework for Building Resilient Organizations
The Path to Resilience—What it Takes to Thrive in the Accelerated Future
Transforming for Resilience
Beyond Resilience—Leaders Must Urgently Embrace Antifragility
Resilience Drives Strategy Execution