Big Data, Better Learning? How Big Data Is Affecting Organizational Learning

  • 46m
  • ASTD Research
  • Association for Talent Development
  • 2014

Big Data, Better Learning? How Big Data Is Affecting Organizational Learning is an ASTD and the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) research report that dives into the trending field of how to gather and leverage big learning data. This Study examines the responses of 418 learning and development professionals in position of managers and above from varying sectors, sizes, and locations that were collected in February 2014. Currently, about 22 percent of L&D professionals use learning-related big data, but this number is expected to increase. Commentary and interviews from the Learning and Performance Institute, SAP, and Gilead Science complement the Study’s findings.

In this Book

  • Big Data, Better Learning? How Big Data Is Affecting Organizational Learning
  • A Note from Our Sponsor
  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction—The Promise of Big Data
  • What Is Big Data?
  • Learning Functions Are Exploring Big Data
  • Leveraging Big Learning Data Involves Many Factors
  • Turning Big Learning Data into Big Learning Insights
  • Conclusion and Recommendations
  • References
  • Appendix Overview—Big Data Survey